The day the tongue of the false prophet ceased
Jan 2, 2025 2:10 AM
Who Hath Believed Our Report
received 1/2/2025
Liken unto the tail of the rattler, the tongue of the false prophet never ceases to move, until just before the bite is delivered. At that time, the poison was delivered by craft.
My people sit in the services of snakes, who charm them with gifts of entertainment, coffee, prestige, and, in some cases, socialite status. These charmers woo people with their stories of courage and acts of faith, encouraging them to join their quest and share rewards, anointing, and blessing if they just sow a seed. small or great, but your return will be based on your seed amount.
They speak as if they are the potter and the sheep are the clay. Although, they mold the people through lies into an abominable image before me. They turn people from the truth into sedition and reprobate silver. Harder than a rock and unmoveable from their sins.
instead of teaching my people to meet me in my word, they teach them to buy a book or cd set for the cost of a small donation. Perhaps even join their inner circle for a fee, and get inside information. This has never happened in the ages of time, such wickedness by craft and lies, yet my people love it because they are lazy and afraid to meet me in my word, a living word. Only if they spent time worshiping with the radio and tv off that I might bring their hearts peace and rest from fear. Only if they heard my voice, I would sing to them. As a mother, I would cry out to them come home to me! You’re going the wrong way! Pray earnestly I said, but I never hear their voices call unto me.
In the old days, people sought me with great vigor, but many didn’t know how to read, but today’s lazy sheep do know how, but they are busy with life. In the old days, if they could read, they would have read till their hearts were filled with my word. turn to me, my children and live
Listen carefully my children, listen to me. These liars are not from me! I sent them not I gathered them not at those campuses or told them those messages. Why don’t those bible colleges teach the truth?!? Because they get funding from “other” places and they must teach lies to keep that funding and tax status. Who is their lord? They even teach things not in my word, but in other man-made abominations. Did I not say, don’t add to my word? What did I say happened to those that corrupt the word of God. These churches openly compromise my word, and nobody says anything, just to get tax relief.????
The eyes of the Lord are upon his churches, He looks in wonder at the proud look of these liars. Truly, they have no fear of a living God. No fear of what will at this mean on that final day!
Soon, I say very soon, how shall these liars answer to all those they have lied to for so many years? Nothing they said came to pass, in most cases the opposite, they are completely exposed. Their people now missed the rapture and they were not prepared for hard times. sitting ducks for the enemy!
Where is that peace and safety while they promised wealth when war is at your door and the markets are collapsed? Will they return all that money to help people, or will Gospel, Inc. close its door and run with all the money they stole by craft.
Truly, many will demand many answers, money returned, and accountability. how will these lairs respond, not a word! Their mouth will cleave to the roof of their mouth till they can muster up another lie through craft.
My Children, my children, where are you that I might heal you and deliver you? Why do you delay?
Your cup is full of iniquity, put away your sins and turn to me!
I come quickly, I’m at the door, the very door of your house. I see your door posts, you have no covering. there is no blood of the lamb on them, shall I pass by?
Do you wish to stay and endure my wrath to be in a world not meant for you? Why do you delay another moment!!!
Come to me, put down your burden, rest in my shelter, turn from this world, and let not their lies keep you from me. Turn off that tv, radio and put down your phones. Open your Bibles and read! I will meet you there, search for me. learn my voice and words!
You have just a few more moments until your decisions are going to be very costly for you.
Amend your ways now, right now
Abba Father
here is a prayer, that might help you clean your house
God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ
All honor, glory, power, strength, riches, and blessing (add more if you want) belong unto you, oh Lord of Host, and unto the Lamb, our kinsmen redeemer forever and ever more, because you are worthy!!!
Father, I come before you and I repent of all my sins know and unknown, in the areas of lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. please for give me, I forget all those that wronged me too.
I bleed the blood of Jesus over these sins and any others I don’t know of and I ask that these sins be removed from my account. Father, I want my garment clean before you. wash me, make me clean! (If he mentions anything in particular address it with him) like forgive this person ….
I pray for my family members to get saved, I pray you reach out to them (name them), help me cover my bills, and help me be a good steward of what you gave me and I thank you for your daily provisions.
Please heal my body of all sickness, let me harm no one, and help me love my neighbors
If you have an addiction, be honest, tell him what it is and ask for grace to be free. No lust addiction will be allowed into heaven none, get right, however, he tells you to do it.. if it requires extremes, do it. remove the obstacle (internet or computer if needed when you’re not able to control this distraction (idol) or predator of lust.) If you’re single, the wrong person might be in your life as a distraction, get free and serve him, not the flesh. Ask Him for wisdom in this matter
Lord help me be humble and loving, come to that place in my life where I truly love righteousness and doing the right thing before you. Also, I want my speech to be clean and I lust over nothing in this world.
Jesus be the Savior and Lord of my whole life. Father lead me and guide me to do your will,
In Jesus name, I pray
who hath believed our report
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