The dangers of false prophets and teachers: They corrupt the word
December 31, 2023 7:58 PM
Olasubomi Williams
Matthew 7:15-20, Matthew 13:24-33, 2 Peter 2
I had a dream where I was in a place, a community house. There was a dispenser that was extremely dirty and gave out dirty water. The people there had no other options but to drink the dirty water because they could not afford to damage the dispenser otherwise they will be famished. I went to the dispenser, and I was removing the gunk, filth, tissue paper and baby wipes mostly baby wipes that had poop inside. At a point, actual poop came out of the dispenser tap, the people around me were disgusted however, I remained calm and collected. While I was removing the filth from the dispenser tap, the water was draining. People were concerned that their water was draining and some of them tried to push me away from completely draining the water but they were blocked by others. Once I was done, I used to remaining water inside the dispenser bottle to flush out the tap and I washed it with a special type of soap. When I was done with that, I cleaned the dispenser and the bottle and I assembled it until it was all in one piece. I noticed that there was also clean and clear water that filled the dispenser bottle later on. Before I left, I asked who was it that caused the dispenser to be that filthy. The people within the area told me that it was their former leader who frequently uses the water and that he would secretly poison the water for the people and then when they found out that the water was poisoned and slowly killing them, the man decided to clog up the tap and fill it with faeces and gunk. That they have been trying to remove the faeces and gunk for years but no success. So they decided to drink from the tap like that.
Words of the Lord Jesus Christ
False prophet corrupt my words. My rivers of life they poison. The Sheeps that I gave them they defile and corrupt. I will weed them out says the Lord. I will destroy them and crush their empires. They sell the souls of my children to baphomet and they clog up the waters of life with their filth by going against my words and commandments. They love the world more than they love me. I will replace these ones with true Shepards who will Shepard my flock in spirit and truth. They will teach my flocks my unadulterated words and teach my people how to submit to my will and to walk in holiness onto me. This saith the Lord YAH.
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