
The Anxiety Dream – Solitary Man

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

The Anxiety Dream

March 3, 2024 12:31 PM
Solitary Man


Last night I had a dream. I believe it was from the devil. I was in Edmonton (a city on the prairies in Canada), attending some event. Leaving the building I wanted to get downtown. By the time I left the building, I turned around and hurried back to see if I could get a ride with someone in their car but everyone was gone. I knew that a group left down the street to catch a bus on a very busy street. I hurried to try and catch up, taking shortcuts, but every time the shortcut ended in a dead end and I had to retrace my steps. After 2 or 3 misfires, I took the road I should of taken right off the bat.

As I approached the bus stop, several youth surrounded me, and one grabbed my wallet. I got into a tug of war with him and tried to yell help, but it only came out as a whisper, as I felt a force pressing me down. This felt similar to forces I felt once or twice a long time ago that were demonic in nature. Struggling, trying to get free, trying to speak, I woke up. I quickly got out of bed.

I don’t feel this was God, but the evil one attacking me. Why Edmonton? Perhaps it’s because it’s the city now most known on the Prairies for its skyrocketing crime rate, as even on the LRT (light rail transport), it’s not safe to ride anymore. Probably represents the lawlessness and total breakdown of our society.

What event was I attending? Unknown. Perhaps the event was not the issue, only that I was in an increasingly dangerous place, and I quickly found myself all alone. I had quickly gotten separated from all my colleagues that I had attended the event with. I chose to go in one direction, then abruptly changed my mind to go another. Nothing I was searching for could be found.

I took shortcuts to try to make up for lost time. They all ended up as dead ends, forcing me to spend costly time in retracing my steps, in order to get back on the only path that would take me to my goal.

Before I could get to that goal, several young people, of all races, surrounded and accosted me. I had my wallet in my hand, and it was grabbed at and we fought over it. My cries for help were such that I could only whisper, so great was the pressure bearing down on me. The conclusion of the matter was unknown as I woke up before finding out.

How to interpret? Obviously, a spirit of fear tried to attack me. When I woke up, I found myself spending a good portion of the morning praying in tongues, trying to lift a heavy burden off my spirit. I am sure I am being influenced by all the negative news that I listen to, being exposed to some evil report on an almost daily basis.

The devil will never stop trying to paralyze us with fear. That is by far his number one weapon in these end times. It will cause confusion and even a loss of memory. I couldn’t remember why I was where I was and who I was with. I wasn’t sure why I headed out in the direction I did.

He gets us to stray off the one and only path that leads to our destination. Every time we try and take a shortcut to where we’re supposed to go, it will cost us, in time, effort, and a stealing of our peace, and an increase in our anxiety.

As we try to catch up and make up for lost time, if we operate in anxiety, the enemy will send out his soldiers to attack us. Not only physically, by attacking our safety and our resources, but more importantly, spiritually. I knew I couldn’t lose my wallet, as my wealth and resources were tied up in it. But what was worse was the pressure being exerted on me as I fought these thieves. It prevented me from calling out for help. I could hardly whisper. It was hard to take a breath.

What I perceived is that all these tribulations began because I allowed a spirit of anxiety (fear) to predominate right at the outset. It brought confusion, memory loss, and poor decision making. The memory loss represented forgetting the precious promises of God that are to sustain you through these evil days. Poor decision making is choosing to try and do God’s will with your own understanding. By thinking there is some shortcut to your final destination instead of the one road God has laid out for us. That one road is the cross, and the prayer closet, dying to self in his presence. Learning to trust him, and him alone, to defeat the enemy, that at times looks unstoppable.

If we choose our own way, and then realize our mistake and scramble to try and get back on the only path that works, more anxiety will be our lot. That will lead to more open doors to the enemy, which means more attacks, and most likely more personal loss.

I think there are lessons here, even though the dream was sent by the enemy to frighten me. The main lesson is don’t start out in anxiety. Anxiety means fear has the upper hand in your life. I woke up and had to spend my morning praying in the spirit until the fear lifted. We must do whatever it takes to first of all deal with the fear that has wormed its way into our soul. If that means changing what you watch, so be it. If that means sacrificing something important for more time in the prayer closet, so be it.

Listening to Dana Coverstone’s latest dream really struck a chord in my own heart. He said he felt a sense of finality about it, almost as if his assignment was coming to an end. He has been called of God these last few years to tell the body of Christ to brace themselves for what is to come. The sense I got from his latest dream is that there is no more time to kick the can of judgment down the road anymore. What we’ve been warned about is come, and is now here. Time has run out.

If time has truly run out, then if we cannot overcome our anxieties and our fear, then it will be very hard to endure what is about to occur. More trials and tribulations will be your lot than what God intended, as fear leaves a wide open door for the enemy. Just look at what he’s doing with those in the world. So many have been absolutely crushed by fear.

Let us use this moment to remind ourselves to redouble our efforts to find out what God wants each and every one of us to do to remove all fear as we go forward into the great unknown of tomorrow.

Solitary Man

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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