As the hand of the destroyer stretches out over the nations the odour of death will again cover the land. It has been prophesied that I will strike the nations with with plague after another. Death ,famine and pestilence will continue until man knows I AM THE LORD. As seasons change food shortages will escalate. Crop failure and drought will continue. The Angel of death roams the earth. Pray he passes over your house. As it was in the past so it will be again .Only the blood of the Lamb will protect you. The days will be dark and the nights long. Stay inside, lock your doors cover your windows. I have sent you my messengers and prophets so you will have notice and understand you are living in the LAST DAYS. Pray you are worthy to escape the coming wrath.
Fear not I AM with you November 16, 2021 Barbara Francis GODSHEALER7.COM I have called watchman ,I have sent messengers. My watchman have been sounding the alarm . The shofar will blow and the darkness will cover the land . The signs in the sun moon and stars…
A TSUNAMI IS COMING September 17, 2021 Barbara Francis GODSHEALER7.COM A Tsunami is coming. The storm has been brewing a major upheaval, a catastrophe, a sign from the heavens . A warning to those on the earth. Disaster will strike multiple places throughout the nations a cataclysmic event,…
MANS TIME COMES TO AN END December 28, 2021 Barbara Francis Daughter speak to the multitude, I continue to see the abominations without true repentance. I have anointed my mouth pieces with extra oil and placed them throughout the nations. I put my words in their mouths.…
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Luke 6:38 NLT
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”