Babylon, UFO

Special Report: UFO’s and the Destruction of NY City – John Shorey

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Special Report

UFO’s and the Destruction of NY City

12/19/2024 12:09 AM
John Shorey

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I have been discussing the topic of the  destruction of Mystery Babylon for several months. Many Bible teachers believe that NY City is the heart  and soul of Mystery Babylon and if you destroy NY City, you will bring destruction to Mystery Babylon. The  Bible says that Mystery Babylon will be  destroyed in one hour.  To me I have always seen  this destruction  coming  by a nuclear  attack.

Currently we are seeing the added component of huge numbers of drone and UFO  sightings.  Realize that if something  flying is unidentified it is a UFO by definition,  an  unidentified flying object.

I  daily watch and  read the writings of the prophets and watchman. Recently I have seen an uptick in talk of UFOs  by the watchmen. What they are hearing is that when we get close to the Lords Return their will be an increase in UFO activity.

Why would their be an increase in alien and  UFO activity as we approach the Lords Return?  I have heard for years that when the rapture happens alien beings will take credit for the disappearance of Christians.

If you have been following the teaching in my monthly Newsletters you have heard my teaching on the First fruits rapture of the 144,000. Recently I have learned from scripture that this mini gathering of the first fruits will also include a small number of Christians besides just the 144,000.  I do not know how large this first fruits gathering will be but it is a small number compared to the large rapture that will happen in the middle of the Great Tribulation.

This first fruits gathering will look like the rapture  and  it will be a mystery to many as to what happened to these thousands of Christians that have disappeared off the earth.

This mystery will be answered by alien beings.  Now I know that many Christians are not on board  that aliens  even  exist. Personally I believe what  would appear to be alien beings  are demonic  beings masquerading  as aliens.

Last week there was Congressional hearings on UFO’s and aliens. I watched a  couple of hours of these hearings on the internet and it was eye opening.  The government has been keeping us in the dark on what they know about UFO’s and alien beings. As  this panel of Congressmen were grilling  those who have been in charge of this information, what was being revealed blew my mind.

Many of  you may have  watched the movie a few years  ago called Independence Day, it was about a global alien invasion. In this movie it was revealed that in area 51, there was secret underground labs that held alien space crafts and dead alien pilots.  During these Congressional hearings last  week it was revealed that we also have recovered Alien space crafts and dead alien pilots.

The reason I am sharing  this is because I see a great lie and deception coming where Aliens  or better called demons will communicate that they are the beings who seeded life on planet earth  and  will try to explain that they are the gods of this earth.

Are We Being Lied to?


We have been being lied to about UFO’s  for decades. The question I ask now is,  Are we being lied to about all these drones and UFO’s today?

In my opinion the answer to that question is a resounding YES. Let me give you my reasons below.

About a week ago the drone sightings was coming to a peak. There was major frustration being  expressed by Governors, police and fire  departments. Even civilians were starting to take matters into their own hands. Incoming president Donald Trump was saying that we are being lied to and he even said that we should shoot them down.

It was at this point that news was being  released as to what this was all  about. Some of the first reports was saying that  terrorists  were sneaking in suitcase bombs and these drones were using nuclear sniff technology to try to locate these suitcase bombs before they can be denotated in our cities.

This news narration was changed to something worse and  let me explain something about suitcase bombs before I share the change in the narration.

Suitcase bombs are usually  three to five kilo tons of nuclear blast  energy. One kilo ton  is equative to one thousand pounds of TNT.  The bomb that was used  to hit Japan in 1945 was 15 kilo tons  and it weighed 9000 pounds. These small yield suitcase bombs are like tactical nukes  that can take out a city block but not high enough yield to destroy a whole city.

Now let’s compare the energy yield of a nuclear missile. Nuclear missiles have energy yields that are measured in mega tons.  One mega ton is equitant to one million tons of TNT.  To put this in prospective, let’s look at the energy yield of one of Russia’s well known nuclear missiles. The Satan 2, it has a multiple payload of at least 10 warheads. Each of these 10 warheads has an energy yield of 15 to 25 mega tons of nuclear destruction. Just one of these 10 war heads  would reduce NY City to an ash heap.

Now before  I go on, I would like to ask why has our leaders in the USA been trying to provoke Russia  to go to War with America. A war that we cannot win.

Now I am going to share something amazing and this narration is full of lies.

Donald Trump made a new report about what the drones were searching for and in Trumps news release the narration was changed from looking for suitcase nukes to looking for a nuclear warhead that went missing at the docks in New Jersey. This was supposedly a nuclear warhead that went missing from old inventory that came out of Ukraine some years ago and was unaccounted for.

I am a watchman and I scan the news several times a day  and not much gets by me.  I watched Donald Trump make this news report and there was fear in his voice. It was for this reason that he canceled his trip to New Jersey.

Next the narration was changed again. This time it was reported that some medical equipment with small amounts of radiation material went missing  and they are trying to find it.

Now think about this. Why would Donald Trump cancel a trip to New Jersey because something like an x-ray machine was stolen  and missing.  I knew this was a lie, so I went on a search to find the news, Donald Trump had released earlier.  It was  all scrubbed from the internet.  No news left on suitcase nukes,  no news on a missing Nuclear warhead.

Then last night at 3am I could not sleep so I got up and started doing multiple google searches for missing nuclear warheads.  WOW, I found the article  or at lease one that was not scrubbed.  It is pasted below in my news section of this report.

Because the Bible says that Mystery Babylon will be destroyed in one hour, it is my opinion that this warhead would be moved to NY City.

While working on his special report today a news story was posted on Hal Turner stating that nuclear censors are going off in NY City and the Governor of NY is calling out the largest National Guard deployment since 911.  This story is also listed below in my news section of this report.


Destruction of NY City

Why the destruction of NY City?  If you read the Bible concerning the destruction of Mystery Babylon it is the judgment of God that finally brings this outcome. Our nation has lost its love for God and it will take a severe judgment to bring the lukewarm back slidden church back to God.

So, who is behind this? I see three most likely choices.

1. Russia, is one choice but not my top pic.

2. China is preparing for war with America but this still is not my top pic.

3. A black swan event, made to look like Russia was behind it .   What would be the reason for this?  I believe our leaders have been trying to provok Russia to attack the USA for a couple of years. The USA is in the way of the forming of a Global One World Government and the globalist need to have the USA taken out o the way.


If Donald Trump could be taken out the globalist could have their way  but if the elites cannot run America then America must be destroyed. If the nuking of NY City can be blamed on Russia, then the USA would be justified in launching a nuclear strike against Russia. is would force Russia to defend its self from a nuclear strike from the USA  and I believe Russia already has its submarines positioned in the event of war, to take out the USA,  as seen  by many reliable prophets. Seeing missiles coming out of the Atlantic, the Pacific and from the Gulf of Mexico.


This is  a war that the people of America do not see coming. Most Americans have not prepared for war and starvation and famine will  follow war very rapidly. I like what Steve Ram says,  “Don’t be scared, be prepared.”

What is the Timing?

I have been predicting for several Newsletters that I believe war would break out before Donald Trump could make it to the White House on Jan 20th.  I am not a prophet. This is my analysis based on Gods Word, Gods Prophets and watchmen who I trust and based on Global news that I watch daily.

Based on how fast the events I have listed in this special report are unfolding, I believe war could break out sooner then January 20th. My best guess days are Christmas and New Years days, plus or minus  a day.

Again I am not  prophet but what is written in Gods Word is cast in stone, It will come to pass on Gods timing  and not on the timing of man.


Do we have the right to know?

I believe we in America have a right to know that war could be imminent.  I believe  we need to know so we can be prepared both physically and spiritually.

Many countries in recent weeks have been warning their populations to prepare for war and stock up on food and water and needed supplies.  If they have a right to know then shouldn’t we in America have a right to know and be prepared?

As a Christian I believe you must bring this special report to God in prayer.  Tell me,  If we Go to war how do you want your efforts to prepare to be spent?  On getting ready  by putting  gifts under the Christmas tree or having extra food and water to help your family and friends  to survive hard times. Again, bring it  to the Lord in prayer.


What’s in the News

‘Drones Looking For Ukrainian Nuclear Bomb’: Drone Manufacturer’s Shocking Claim Goes Viral

For weeks, residents of New Jersey, New York, and Maryland have been reporting seeing big drones soar every night, which has raised public alarm and prompted government investigations. There is no proof of a security danger, according to the DHS and FBI, but rumors that the drones might be connected to a lost nuclear weapon are spreading. As government agencies seek the facts, lawmakers and President-elect Trump have demanded openness and swift action.


Authored by:Arkaprovo Roy

Updated Dec 16, 2024,

A surge in mysterious drone sightings across New Jersey and neighboring states has ignited public concern and federal scrutiny. For almost a month, residents have reported hundreds of enormous drones, six feet in diameter, flying from sundown till 11 p.m. New York and Maryland have also reported sightings, which has increased conjecture.

On Thursday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI jointly released a statement discussing the situation. They said there was no proof that the drones were a threat to public safety or national security. They did point out that many encounters included legally flying manned aircraft, though.

“The FBI, DHS, and our federal partners, in coordination with New Jersey State Police, continue to deploy resources,” the statement read. “Efforts are underway to confirm if these flights involve drones, manned aircraft, or false reports.”



Allegations of Nuclear Links

Suspicions were heightened by a viral video that Colin Rugg shared on the social networking platform X, which was formerly Twitter. An unidentified drone maker said in the film that the drones may be looking for a nuclear bomb from Ukraine that has gone missing.

According to the person, more than 80 Ukrainian warheads disappeared during the 1980s as part of nuclear disarmament efforts by Ronald Reagan. Additionally, he claimed to have just met someone who handled one of these warheads in person. The unidentified insider speculated that this bomb could have been headed for the US. “He physically touched this warhead… and knew it was heading here,” he said.


Trump Demands Action

Donald Trump, the president-elect, demanded on Friday that the government take swift, decisive action or immediately increase openness. He voiced doubts about the government’s lack of engagement in the issue in a piece published on Truth Social.

“Mystery drone sightings all over the country. Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge? I don’t think so!” he wrote. “Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!”

This was the most forceful remark on the subject made by a prominent figure to date.

Lawmakers Demand Transparency

Lawmakers from New Jersey joined the increasing outcry demanding answers. New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand, together with Senators Cory Booker and Andy Kim, called on government agencies to move quickly.

They sought a briefing on attempts to identify and address the drone sightings in a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration, the FBI, and DHS. The letter demanded openness and emphasized popular outrage over the mysterious flights.

Unanswered Questions

Federal officials have reassured people, but the mysterious planes have caused a great deal of anxiety. Investigations are still underway, according to officials, and staff and technology are being used to find the facts.

The public is still hearing theories about anything from innocuous civilian operations to reconnaissance missions. But the absence of conclusive responses has only increased apprehension and conjecture.

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RADIATION DETECTORS **ALERTING** IN NEW YORK CITY; Governor Deploys Most National Guard since 9-11



Personal Radiation Detectors owned by private citizens have begun ALERTING in the five Boroughs of New York City.  Below, a driver on the Henry Hudson Parkway, northbound, shows video of his Radiation meter going into ALERT mode.

New Yorker John Evans writes:

I’m not a tinfoil hat guy. But… in what I do for work we specialize in the field of environmental science and industrial hygiene. One of the tools that we have is a nuclear radiation detector. In New York City today driving north on the Henry Hudson… it starts going off again. This is not normal. Could this be related to the drones? I have no idea. But this is very strange.

Here is John’s video:

This comes just days after seven (7) different confidential sources inside the New York Police Department (NYPD) alerted me that the drone sightings in and around New York City, and especially in northern New Jersey, WERE, in fact, the Feds, looking for a specific item, that is a credible threat of being a weapon of mass destruction.  The “word” in Intelligence circles is that this device is allegedly going to be used in the New York City (NYC) area during the Christmas/New Year’s holiday season. (STORY HERE) .


This morning, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) BANNED all air traffic from ground level to 400 feet altitude in many New Jersey and New York areas, presumably because the Drones are perceived as a “threat.” (STORY HERE).


New York Gov. Kathy Hochul beefed up the number of New York National Guard members patrolling NYC subway stations, marking the largest military presence in the city’s subway system since the aftermath of 9/11.

This heightened security measure coincides with mounting public hysteria over unidentified drones in NJ-NY airspace and the rising threat of terrorism.


On Wednseday, Gov. Hochul told reporters that 250 additional Guard members will join the already deployed 750 Guard members to combat rapes, murders, and robberies that plague NYC’s subway system.

(HT REMARK: That may be the “public” excuse, but logic dictates that these added troops are being put into the city for multiple reasons OTHER THAN the one stated.  Perhaps a nuke in the city?


Attention, If you can watch the link below by Steve Ram, it is a must watch.  He is a Christian news analyst. His warnings  of War on our soil is a must watch.


Words from the Prophets


11/29/24 12:58 AM


Received Sunday, November 24, 2024

Isaiah 24:1 AMPC

Behold, the Lord will make the land and the earth empty and make it waste and turn it upside down (twist the face of it) and scatter abroad its inhabitants.

A few days ago, Sunday, I was watching the news about political issues happening around the world specifically Israel (Netanyahu’s arrest warrant) and Russia’s war with the Ukraine. As I was wondering about the implications of what is taking place, I heard “America goes boom!” I then saw a vision where a nuclear bomb dropped and exploded in a large American city.

This is a phrase I have heard several times in the past and I wasn’t sure if I had already posted this. I don’t think I have, since there are around 350 posts, I don’t have the search abilities to show if I have.

I believe I know the specific city in the Midwest.

However, for the past 8 years, I have known that the beginning of the destruction happens with a nuclear attack on New York City – see the post, “The Coming Destruction of the United States of America“, which is the very beginning of the dismantling of the country, when Babylon (America) falls, that I received in a vision back in May 2016.

The city were I saw this vision on November 24 – may be a place of limited nuclear strike (a first warning from Russia seems to be likely), which may be Russia’s warning message before a full-scale onslaught of attack upon the entire country. By the way, this is one of the cities in the list of places the Lord told me would have a nuclear attack (I feel I am to keep the location secret seen in November). I believe the Lord wants a response of repentance and not panic from His people. So, I am referencing the list, I had previously received. The list is found in a Word received on 5/13/2021 “Judgments Upon Minneapolis…”

~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18″


PROPHETIC MESSAGE: the Black Horse rides –a World Collapse is Coming!

12/13/24 7:08 PM



DEC 13, 2024

“A WORLD COLLAPSE is coming. There is no stopping it….for the wheels have been set into motion, and it comes….ready or not!

In some places it will be greater than others….but everyone will be affected in one way or another!

I have been holding back this TIDE OF WOES that have been LURKING ON THE HORIZON for quite some time. It has been by MY HAND that there has been delays. This is because of the FATHER’s MERCY to HIS children! HE send HIS messengers to WARN so that HIS people can PREPARE for what is coming!

Like in the TIMES OF JOSEPH, when he, too, received a WARNING DREAM of a future FAMINE. Joseph listened, and paid heed, to the warning, and prepared accordingly.

In the same way, I continue to warn this present generation of the GREAT ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and a FAMINE that follows. Many hear….but few prepare!


This TIDAL WAVE is approaching soon, and will not be stopped! Prayers do certainly push back the darkness, and judgments can be minimized. However, the SEALS (of Revelation 6) cannot, and will continue to be open, and increase….for the BLACK HORSEMAN rides with SCALES in HIS hands! He rides to and fro…..across the lands of the world affecting all countries.

“When He (the Lamb) broke open the third seal, I heard the third living creature call out, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse [of famine]; and the rider had in his hand a pair of scales (a balance).

And I heard something like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius (a day’s wages), and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.” Revelation 6:5-6 (AMP)

To those who have HEEDED the warnings, and prepare, in both BODY and SPIRIT…..this FINANCIAL PUNCH will not be felt as severely!

I call upon the rest of MY people, those who hear MY voice, to quickly get their HOUSES IN ORDER for what is coming! Seek ME on this, and I will show you…..and will OPEN DOORS for you! However, you must ASK….SEEK….and KNOCK….and then the DOOR WILL OPEN!!


“So I say to you, ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9 (AMP)

Then I waited, and asked the LORD if there was anything else….and I heard this:

“There is still time to prepare. Though the PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS have held things back….soon those DELAYS will be over!

The TIME IS NOW to prepare!

Do not hold back!

Do not bury your head in the sand!

Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today…..for time is getting shorter, and shorter…..and you do not know what tomorrow brings!


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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