Something Pink. Something Blue.
August 10, 2020 8:24 AM
Lisa B
Prayer Warrior, Australia
My brother and sisters in Christ. The Lord has pressed upon me to share the following flash visions given over the past 9 months. (Grouped in colours as specified by the Lord.)
I believe my visions are of plagues/viruses/diseases that are coming up as allowed by the Lord.
Revelation 6:8 And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.
Something Blue.
This was confirmed to me several months ago by Caroline Diadem as well as another sister in Christ. (I think it was a Sister Kim.) It is the Blue plague.
30 November 2019 – I was shown a blue statue with a scary ancient tribal looking face. The entire statue was blue and had shiny blue flowing hair. (After researching the face, the closest I could find is the Hawaiian tiki god.)
10 February 2020 – Also on the Hawaiin/Polynesian theme, it looked similar to the island mountain lady (Te Fiti) from the movie moana. The lady was all blue and she went from a sitting position and slid down suddenly to the ground. Her eyes closed. (I’m not sure about the Hawaiian link/significance. Perhaps someone else has an interpretation of this.
March 2020 – A man walking down a street in a busy city. (London, New York? Paris?) It is raining and cold and he has a thick long coat on. He turns around to look at me and his face is bright blue.
25 May 2020 – A nose poking through a blue plastic film/plastic sticker that is stuck covering someone’s face. In my spirit I knew that they were desperate to breathe.
8 July 2020 -A few days ago I saw a gymnast. (Rhythmic gymnastics doing a ribbon routine on the floor.) Her face, outfit and skin were glowing blue and she was on her knees, then slowly lowered herself back whilst swirling her ribbon around frantically. The ribbon had bright colours on it. I immediately thought of the Olympics as this is the only event where I’ve watched rhythmic gymnastics, I also realised that her ribbon had the colours of the Olympic rings. Whilst, I haven’t had confirmation on this, I think the Olympic games which have been rescheduled to next year, might be affected by this plague.
Something Pink.
I am still piecing this together, as everything seems to be the Corona Virus, but then the visions might be pointing to a different strain or mutation.
12 November – pink hair on girl. I have had several visions before this of girls with pink hair.
8th July – (3 visions.)
Flash Vision 1 (a close up of shiny pink hair).
Flash Vision 2 (The same pink hair with a spikey hairband/crown that looked just like, the statue of liberty crown. There were tiny, pink, little blobby critters with eyes running around in between the crown spikes and through the hair. They looked like cartoon germs like fleas or lice.
Flash Vision 3 (The scene zoomed out to a little girl aged about three years old. It was her pink hair and she wore this crown. However, she was unwell and lying on a dog bed, battling to lift her head. A large dog lay next to her on the floor. The girl held a festival/birthday balloon.
My thoughts:
– The blue scary faced statue is threatening and bad news, I feel the blue plague will be far more dangerous that CoVid. I believe the Lord is showing me that Coronavirus will become worse or change into something else. Sister Kerry Ann Gidden prophesised that Coronavirus can be absorbed through the scalp. When I asked for confirmation on this, I saw a news feed shortly afterwards about Doctors stating that Covid has affected bald men more than others.
Seeing all this pink hair must be linked in some way.
– Maybe the virus will affect children badly next? I haven’t any confirmation about the dog and balloon. (She looked as sick as a dog?? Maybe animals will transmit it?)
– Corona means crown. The virus under the microscope also has pink like spikes.
– My daughter has had a dream about having pink spikey hair and was laughing when she told me as she said she looked ridiculous.
– When I prayed about releasing this typed up word, the Lord gave me a vision of a pink teapot with white swirls on it. Next was a vision of a navy blue teapot being unpacked from a box. The spirit confirmed that this word must go out and that these 2 plagues/diseases will be poured out on the earth.
Pink first I think, then blue will be unpacked.
Please stay in Psalm 91 daily for protection and seek the Lords face.
Any additional interpretation would be welcome.
Shalom and God Bless.