Sin, Transgressions and Iniquity
12/1/24 5:51 AM
Steve Holmes
Dec 1, 2024
The Lord spoke to me at length last evening about “Sin,” “Transgressions,” and “Iniquity,” and he told me to warn his church about them. There are substantial differences and he is going to begin cleansing his church of these things, starting with his called ministers, and you would do well to understand them.
1) “Sin” means, “miss the mark.” What is the mark? It’s the bull’s eye: it is Christ likeness. So when you aren’t being Christ-like, you are sinning. Repent! Turn the opposite direction and aim for the mark again! That’s repenting and God forgives those who truly repent. Many of these sins are committed unknowingly.
2) Transgressions are sins that are spur of the moment failures when you know better. Like looking at pornography when you are tempted without putting up a fight to resist it, but truly repenting and stopping.
3) Iniquity is sin that has an element of “malice aforethought.” It is intentional, it is willful, it is planned, and it offers no resistance. Examples would be going out to shoplift, planning to commit murder, keeping a secret porn stash, embezzling, carrying on an adulterous affair, refusing to repent or forgive, etc.
He told me that as horrible as sin is because it cost his son his body, life and soul, transgressions are much more serious and offensive to him. Continued transgression leads to a hardening of the heart which leads to iniquity. He will give a person who commits iniquity over to it, and it will become extremely difficult if not impossible to find repentance and deliverance from iniquity.
Iniquity leads to hell because he said he is done forgiving it. Do you intend to continue in sin? That is iniquity and you are planning to go to hell, because the ONE sin that will absolutely drag any person to hell is the one they refuse to repent of.
He said people committing iniquity mistake his love and blessings for grace, mercy, forgiveness and salvation. They are not, and we are most assuredly NOT fully saved, but provisionally saved per Rev 12 until we are dead or caught up: that’s why the raptured saints cry out “NOW is come salvation!” Those kindnesses of God are extensions of his love to sinners whom he wants to save, for it is written, “it is the KINDNESS of God that leads men to repentance,” but if they die without turning away from ANY AND EVERY sin, they are going to go to hell.
He was emphatic and told me to warn the people that he is fed up with it and will no longer accept excuses for iniquity. You confess it, you stop doing it, you ask his forgiveness, and you will be forgiven. But continue to do it like it’s no big deal and you will have a miserable eternity regretting your self deception and refusal to be accountable.
He also said, “on judgment day, billions will come before me expecting to enter heaven with their sins forgiven. However, countless millions, far more than you can even comprehend or imagine, are in for the rudest awakening in eternity when I tell them to “depart from my presence into hell because you never repented of your iniquity.””
He also let me know that it is the leaders within his churches that he is most angry with. He said they are cowards, they dont preach his word or fear of the Lord, and they were supposed to keep America from becoming the “mother of harlot’s” that it now is. That is exactly what HE called this country in Revelation 17-18, so don’t get yourself worked up into ignoring the warning in self righteousness over “naughty words.” Those words are HIS.
You are accountable to HIM and so am I- to a much higher degree than you can imagine, because I KNOW HIM. He has called me to responsibilities that HE directs, and he has anointed and directed me to speak for him. You want that responsibility? Just say the word and I’ll tell him to send you to prophet’s college. Good luck. It’s taken me since 1981 to turn his soul crushing corrections and discipline sessions into unquestioned obedience on my part. Now make a choice to quit sinning and obey him or plan on spending eternity in hell. If you sin or transgress and truly repent, he will forgive you on the spot. But if you are given over to sinning, ie, “iniquity,” you had better get hold of the horns of the altar and stay there until your sin nature is ash, or you are only fooling yourself about salvation. So you better learn to fear God in such a way that you KNOW you have to work out your salvation with fear and trembling then DO IT.
“Search my heart an know me, oh Yahweh, and reveal if there be ANY wicked way in me!”
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