Signs In The Heavens
Dec 18, 2020, 4:21 PM
Rosa Alverio
Word from the Lord December 18, 2020
Soon You will see the signs in the heavens proclaiming me as the Creator and King.
The star of Bethlehem welcomed my coming as a baby the son of God.
In this coming event the star will proclaim me as the King of Kings and my coming again.
Harken to my voice! Beware of prophets that tickle your ears and say this is My Words. My Word does not tickle your ears, but my Word comes like a battering ram.
Repent! Repent! Repent!
Time is short. Soon I will quiet my prophets and will not allow them to give warnings anymore.
I believe I have given sufficient warnings!
Just like Jeremiah he warned Israel so many times, and they did not listen. Jeremiah prayed for Israel and I told him do not pray for these people anymore.
Many of you are told to pray for America. It is to late! Pray for the people of America while there is time. Soon I will say as I told my prophet Jeremiah, do not pray for these people.
How many warnings must I give you! America your CUP RUNS OVER!
My remnant knows what I AM saying. They understand the times and seasons as my prophet Daniel.
I will protect my own.
Next year will be the beginning of terrible things in heaven and on the earth.
Blessed is he who harkens to my voice and obeys my commands.
To my Bride, I love you with an undying love.
Your Lord and Savior
Yeshua Hamashiach
Rosa Alverio