
“Shipwrecking” Part 2: The Spirit of Pride – T. Andrew Farley

Photo by T. Andrew Farley

“Shipwrecking” Part 2: The Spirit of Pride

(and a word, titled: “Desolation is decreed against the spirit of pride!”)
February 26, 2023 12:36 AM
T. Andrew Farley

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Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. Joel 3:14

Around 2 weeks ago I had a moment with the Spirit of God (via the Lord God’s still small voice) on a beach in Florida when He spoke to me regarding a “sailboat” that was beached and tilted sideways. I shared that testimony, it was a single sentence and it turned into an encouragement (w/prayer models provided) against the “spirit of fear” or for liberation from it.

If you haven’t read that, it may be found just below and it might be helpful for background or to someone who’s battling angst or fear in this more spiritually exposed (Luke 8:17) and tougher times the world has entered into. Link, Part 1 Testimony: Shipwrecking Eternity – T. Andrew Farley – 444 Prophecy News

I spent time in prayer talking to the Father, about my goal/promise to try and do the remaining 6 of 7 things He placed on my heart, once a week. I’m woefully late and I thank the few people who emailed me for being patient and forgiving. Mainly, it’s because I didn’t hear from Him on this biggest topic (pride- the root of all sin) until Saturday the 25th or today, when He helped me finish a process I do when I’ve been given a literal “word” to share.
What follows, are brief excerpts from previously published pieces/word, from the Spirit of YAH to and through me 5 years ago; & several paragraphs from our bold seer brother Pieter Kirstein, in something he shared in January I was drawn to; then the Word the Father started giving me a few days ago, and finished today, Saturday, February 25th.

After that I’ll end with suggested prayer.
I started praying 3 weeks ago- to work on this (HUGE) subject and attempt to summarize topically a spiritual “elephant” (pride) into a bite sized piece; as I did so I was first strongly led by the Spirit of YAH to look up a previous word where Yeshua (Jesus) already spoke these words I scribed in His name- that apply very much today to a number of members called to His body, or claiming to be:

I weep when I see My sheep, My children, doing the things I hate; the daggers of pride being thrust into the backs of my remnant! These are outright assaults against Me, by My own, many of whom wield or even throw these daggers of division, from their contentious high positions; yet they know not how far they’ve already fallen! Examine yourself, repent! If it’s not love it’s not Me!

These are the same who know not that they are the dry bones of dead religion, and the spirit of the Pharisee has made them nothing but a clanging cymbal, the blind tail, thinking they are the head!

Great will be the fall of vain imaginations, idolatry, bitterness, contention, rage and murder! Even greater still, the fall of the king of all children of pride!

Soon, I will dine in heaven with those who lay not with the cunning serpent! My sheep, My children, all who have been sealed until the day of redemption; I AM coming soon! Keep My joy in your heart, for the seed of it was planted there to help you endure until the end; until and unto the time of the great harvest…

*A copy of this complete word given in 2018, may be found here:
I WEEP” – Todd Farley – 444 Prophecy News)

Our brother (Pieter Kirstein) shared these words (excerpt) in a post on January 1, that fit right in with the above, and add to the “lens” the Spirit of The Living God wants His sheep to understand also; this is from one of his many edifying social media posts:

“Let go and let God do the fixing and healing. He sees your brokenness as beautiful when you are beautifully broken before Him in total dependancy. It’s called being poor in spirit.

Stop trying to do God’s work in yourself and others because it’s a sign of a controlling spirit and pride.

You cannot perform yourself into godliness and stop condemning yourself for what only God can change or fix in you. Your need draws Him to intervene because only He is the Potter and you are the clay.

So simply throw yourself upon the Lord and ask Him to perfect that which concerns you and be patient with yourself and others, because we all have our own unique walk with God.

Always consider your own need of grace and mercy and treat others the same because He causes His rain to fall on the righteous and the sinners. When you see others at fault, pray for them that the Father would grant them the same patience, love, mercy, kindness, forgiveness and grace with which He saved you and treats you.

(Brother Pieter Kirstein)

Here follows the final thing in this “pride” installment, He gave me 90% the other day and after temporary but significant hindrances by the adversary, the rest of it today. *Test all things in the Spirit of Truth and according to the word of God, that’s our responsibility. Blessings, a Word from our Father to those with ears to hear:

Desolation is decreed against the spirit of pride!

My heart of compassion is in the ministry of reconciliation that My Son (Yeshua/Jesus) is offering to all of My children now on My behalf- literally at the end of this age; which is the dawning of a season of rest for all of Mine who endure to the end by My grace and overcome!

To My children who have humbled themselves, you are secure in the center of the mighty and righteous Right Hand that I have placed you in. He will not lose one of you from His grip (except the son of perdition) as He has previously stated Himself! Trust me and focus on Him, for His perfect peace amidst the storm that has begun, will indeed prevail by the power of My Spirit who is in you!

My strong arm and My hand will soon be extended differently against those who remain in opposition to Me, in the spirit of pride!

To them and the rest of the “friends of the world”, your days of fence-sitting in the valley of decision are over. The shaking must increase for no longer will any remain on that fence; I love you all too much to leave you in a condition that is in opposition to My will!

Let us reason together; I ask some of you reading this, will you humble yourself? Will you seek Me with all of your heart and lay yourself on the altar, so that I can finish a mighty work in your heart and for your eternal future?

Will you allow My voice to prick your heart and lead you in an overdue self-examination; or to press in to ask Me to show you anything that needs revealed in your heart condition?

Or, will you resist this move of love and My draw upon you, for this choice is critical and may be made by you alone! I will not force anyone to choose love; but My Son paid a heavy price for all, it is yours to accept or deny w/eternal ramifications.

Will you acknowledge that it is possible that there may be some things within you that are hidden or concealed, and that need the power of My Spirit to expose and heal?

If you do and will humble yourself, I promise the fullness of eternal security that My living word promises; for the King of Glory (My Son!) has made provision for the victory and finished it-by the power of His blood!

My judgments are increasing beyond imagination, now and in the months and years ahead. Only I know how many of them remain, before your King returns upon the earth.

Until then, those who are My vessels walk in His power and love, for only love will prevail and remain at the end. The end of this age leads to a new beginning that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard and the hearts of men cannot fully imagine!

Seek Me My people while I may be found, for I AM the Only answer or way!
For those who are My lights, for those who walk in My love and obedience: I will protect you and use you mightily and in exploits!

Don’t miss your assignment(s), don’t miss the call that I have ordained for each of you before the earth was formed. Feed and love My lost and broken sheep; testify and witness, for the righteous are bold as a Lion!

I want the fullness of My glory to come through each and every available vessel, and I love you all! No one vessel or person is greater than another, for you are each fearfully and wonderfully, and uniquely made, and I have indeed made you for a time such as this!

To those in Me, you must TRUST Me for I AM the Faithful One; that (trust!) IS the key to abiding under the Shadow of My Might Wings, as well as your obedience when I guide your steps with My Word as a lamp. Show my love in and to a dark world that needs an increase of My lights and my lamps! I love you My children.

I speak desolation to the spirit of pride, for a season of tearing down is at hand and then rebuilding. Glory to the King of Glory who has come to the valley of decision. His judgments that are upon the earth will lead many to righteousness. If I didn’t take down this fence in the valley, many who remain on it would be doomed and time as you know it is short. If it weren’t for My mercies that I will show and shower on who I will; no flesh would be left alive.

Those who make their choice to remain in rebellion, or ignore or run from Me & staying in their witchcraft- are already judged. To everyone else, choose this day whom you will serve!

Desolation to the spirit of pride is proclaimed from the throne room of heaven, and judgment is determined against all sons of disobedience! This is a double witness. Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!

End of word
T. Andrew Farley; witness/scribe
2:16 PM, 02/25/2023

Verses for Word above: Deut. 30:3, 2 Kings 13:23, 2 Cor. 5:18, James 4:4, Joshua 4:24, 1 John 4:4, John 17:12, Prov. 16:18, Is.1:18, Matt. 23:12, 2 Cor. 13:5, Isaiah 26:9, Ps. 125:1, Ps. 46:8, 1 Samuel 15:22, Psalm 37, and all of 1 Cor:13!

The word of God literally speaks MUCH on this subject- as well as on the promises, power and blessings to those who humble themselves:

Link to verses on pride: https://www.openbible.info/topics/pride
Link to verses on humility: https://www.openbible.info/topics/humility

This time, I’m going to share a prayer that King David gave us as a heartfelt and wise petition, in Psalm 19. I HIGHLY recommend, every believer who reads this pray it (I have too) from your heart or meaning it.

IF you have any traces of pride operating in your walk, the Master Potter will take that burden and work it out of you. Pride is the one (of all 7 topics we’ll be covering) that hides itself the best from those it’s sometimes residing in! (I know, because I’ve been delivered/humbled from that snake- thank you FATHER!)

It’s a beautiful Psalm from verse 1 on, but I’ll put the prayer itself He lifted up, in bold from the version I end up choosing to share from, next:

Psalm 19, NKJV in totality:

The short recommended prayer that David prayed, verses 12-14:

Ps. 19: 12-14 (NKJV) pasted:

12 Who can understand his errors?
Cleanse me from secret faults.
13 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins;
Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless,
And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.

If anyone has prayer requests, I may be reached at wingsofgloryhealing@gmail.com
I thank Jonathan and 444 for their efforts in sharing words and prayers (and more) to edify the body in this “last leg of the race” which we are all in! (please remember to pray as led for him and his family, for physical and spiritual protection and provision over their efforts.)

Remember, the adversary and his minions seek to wear out the saints; but the King of Glory has already accomplished our victory; and He WILL get the glory and while the weapons are forming everywhere, they will NOT prosper! (Is. 54:17)

In closing: Father, give my siblings (and myself) more grace to endure! Give us boldness and steadfastness to resist fear, to humble ourselves and fully submit to You, for you to remove any trace of pride or anything else, known or unknown that would threaten our walk on the NARROW path! Also, bless us with the spirit of excellence, that you refer to in the book of Daniel and blessed him with!
We know your word says, when we submit to YAH and resist the devil, he must flee! Help us with oil for our lamps and to be wise and not foolish; give us the fullness of “the fear of the Lord” vs fearing anything of man and it’s evil and corrupt systems. Thank you for your mercies which are new every day, in the mighty name of Yeshua/Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen and amen!

T. Andrew Farley, 02/25/2023


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