
Running Joyfully in his classroom! – Mike M

Running Joyfully in his classroom!

Dec 1, 2019  4:49 AM
Mike M


The Holy Spirit has been on me strongly ever since I woke up today! What a nice time of refreshing. I had such a clear and powerful dream full of love, joy, community, hope, providence! At first I did not realize this, but as I woke up and played worship songs Yeshua (Jesus if you speak English) was loving on me. The Spirit fell as I washed dishes. Speaking in tongues, I received so much to edify the body of Christ at this time, starting with me. Because charity begins at home, in my heart. It’s been a dry season for many of us. A time of testing, stretching, molding, shaping. Consider it not strange when all these things happen to you is the scripture I was holding onto the entire season. I knew something had to break. So I stayed the course. I observed and prayed, and ignored the firey darts of the enemy-and there have been SO many the last couple months. I decided to listen to Joni’s Bonnette’s word today. I had not been around her fellowship for quite awhile. I just was not getting anything anywhere I went. Dry, dry, dry. But no longer. :). The desert. The test. I was blessed in fellowshipping at Joni Bonnette’s You tube channel on Saturday Nov. 30 entitled ‘Winds of Change’. I came in at the end but the Spirit right away said to me, “This! Get this! I am speaking right now through her!”. So I rewound to the beginning before the live stream disappeared. I also said hi to a few saints in the chat. The Spirit broke in me then. The dry spell lifted, to coincide with the natural rain we are getting in Southern CA now, for which I and many others are grateful for. Then came this dream when I got up Saturday! In the dream, the rooms were very well lit and white. It was not like a painted room but a cavernous yet warm feeling areas! Love and light truly did fill these rooms! Finally, a good dream and not the attacks I have been having in my sleep! I was with this group of teenagers. I thought that interesting, and not my first choice in the natural. lol. And there was a pile of stuff at the front of this classroom. It was stuff I could resell as I do online reselling to support myself the best I can. I don’t have a vehicle or I would go shopping and bring home more things, and also find other work. And this stuff was free for the taking. The balance of my work time goes to prayer and ministry as far as my working day goes. So, there is this stuff and it was free! I was excited. But is it really free if I have been serving God? No. It’s God’s provisions. That was overwhelmingly felt by me in the dream! The lady kept questioning it’s use and what the right use is . I said, “well, it’s been here for ages! At least with me it will help me keep the lights on and food on the table as I continue to work in ministry. ” Why was she trying to stop me? did she have a better use for it? Nope. She just wanted to hoard it. The Woman represents the church who sits on the gifts and do not distribute them FROM the storehouse to those in need. She would rather it sat there where it was not helping anyone? I insisted I could put it to good use. Some of the items I needed for around the house also I could see. She was nice and all, but kind of like a doubting pest, who I overlooked and KNEW in my heart this provision was for ME in my situation because GOD promises to meet all of my needs according to his riches in glory in Christ!. I was doing nothing wrong. GOD was the author of this stuff I came across, and he said take it for provision in the dream, and so I did. Because I also regularly give away things to help others. I am a good steward-that is why more will find me, and is finding me. That is why a vehicle will come around for me in the ministry at the appointed time. Next I remember hanging out with the teens and really feeling the energy! I began to run several different times around the room. It was one of those college lecture halls with the graduated steps. We ran with wild abandon and seemingly effortlessly! I was so excited that i felt so healthy! I could keep up with these youngsters. I was aware that my heart arrhythmia was healed! (something I have prayed for). I felt great! I focused, running the race, competing joyously with the kids in front of me to pass them. I passed some and kept up with most of them. We were running together! I knew in this moment the unity, love, dedication, power, purpose, and energy were all in one accord! I belonged with them. We were family. My legs lifted high and lungs breathed in deeply! We were aware there were other kids who were in sitting in Sunday school at ‘the Church’. They had left their books, notebooks, pens, pencils at their seats. But they were not there. Did they not need them? They looked unused. They had all the position, prestige and supplies to succeed but yet they were off in the churches of man with the same old fare and shtick of same old, same old. But the people I was with? Our hearts and energy was renewed like the Eagle’s! So powerful it was. Joyous, full of light, hope, purpose. Joy Unspeakable!!! The teens looked to me for direction with many things. They wanted to use the pens and pencils and said they do not belong to them, but the reality is they do it occurred to me after! God says in his word that he will put his talents to those who will use them and not hide them or bury them. To he who has more will be given (entrusted to for the distribution for the needs and provision for the Saints! Not to hoard and keep and save. Save for what? save for whom? We are to bless others with our increase. Right out of scripture. Is any in need among you? Then we meet that need from the storehouse. That’s what the tithes are for! Not for a cushy Pastor’s salary, the secretary, etc…while the least of these suffer and go without? No. The Pastors and paid ‘staff’ would do well to learn from those in their own midst who work full and part time jobs and still do the same amount of ministry that they do. Why do we lift the Pastor up so high when it’s just another human serving God and the body? Special treatment for the one at the top? Sounds like the World’s ways. Like the religious temples that Jesus warned us about. Is this network marketing? where the person on top makes more just because? We cannot run his true church with the world’s philosophies and standards. Provision for the Pastor and others should come from the heart of people who are part of the fellowship of believers. And granted some Pastors work very hard. I know this full well. But it should not be a contract to pay the individual. How about the Pastor show us how it’s done and live by faith like the rest of us? Now that would be impressive! And God bless those places of fellowship who are DOING this. But so many do not. It’s like an Insurance policy: pay a tithe and maybe when coverage is needed the church will help, instead of paying for a building in all it’s glory. More like a lottery to many. I have heard so many stories of people who served at the church for years, but were not ‘members’ so they were not helped, even though they worked tirelessly in the place for the lost! Many times they worked as hard as or harder than anyone on staff! And to these churches, the spirit writes a warning. That what you have will be taken from you and given to those who will use it. And Woe to the churches who sell out and sit on the funds as if they own them. Woe is what Jesus says. We in that room were ready and commissioned to GO and preach the gospel! And we had provisions to do so. That is the message of this dream! The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few….but this is changing the Father says. People are answering the call. God provided our needs in this group in the dream. And he can do it out here. When we least expect it, from a source we did not realize-it will come. At the appointed time. And not before He is never early and always on times\. We were ready to move as a body, as a whole. He honors that. Unity is one of the cornerstones of the New Testament preaching. Add holiness and nothing is impossible with God. This is my busier time in my online shop. Sales are up some . It’s not very much money .but I have a goal for the end of the year so that I can put money toward a vehicle, which can help me make more of a living. I committed this to the Lord, am working hard, and he directs my paths. He knows my need. And even I from the little that I have give! What is the excuse of those with so much? Don’t store up for yourselves treasures on earth where rust and moth can eat them, but store up treasures in heaven. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart. Do you have a closet that needs cleaned out and the clothing could go to the homeless? Things just sitting in the attic you don’t even want? Find someone like me who can WORK and sell them to support ourselves instead of complaining about us all the time as if we don’t do a thing! If you only knew. God have mercy on your soul. And maybe you can ride by downtown and pass it out, telling them Jesus loves them. Maybe you have an empty building that can be used for the Kingdom as a recovery or homeless get -on-your-feet house? Maybe you have six cars and think you could part with one and give it, SOW it into the Kingdom to someone who is doing the work, and needs provisions. In this hour there will be great blessing to those who fund what is happening in the Kingdom. God is already taking away the talents. He gave me a vision of many grieving people who he is chastising even now. The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. How is it that you call yourself righteous when you don’t do what he says? How can you love him whom you have not seen when you have not even loved those around you that you have seen? Jesus is setting up his people to GO, to ROLL, and to go into the hiways and the biways seeking to save the lost. He will fund it by volunteers or he will simply take it. It’s your choice.


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