Run to Me!
Friday, September 18, 1:45 am
Dave Young
There is no weapon that has been formed against My people that can prosper, for I have already seen it, I have already known of the plans for it, the engineering of it, the architecture of it, the scheming and plotting of it – I have already seen it. I have already been there standing and watching as they have accomplished it, as they have produced it, for I am God, and I know ALL before they do. Anything. I know it all – I know their plots, their schemes. I even know what My people would do at any point of time, in any type of situat and I already have it covered.
(I had a clear knowing from the Lord, that He already foresaw every situation, and all of the possible choices and different reactions one of His could choose to make. And the Lord was there to help and strengthen them to make the right one.)
Many fear that they will not respond properly, or react correctly, when the time comes for the persecution. But they need not fear this, because I already know what they would do, IF I wasn’t with them. And I’m already there with them. I’m already there ahead of them, waiting for them, prepared to receive them into My arms. I’m already there.
When they come into the persecution they need to know: I’m already there. The Lord goes ahead of you, My Children. I go ahead of you. My arms are open wide. And when they bring you into the guillotines, and the torture chambers, and the persecution that they’re planning and have plotted, I’m already there. I’m already present there. Run toward Me. Run into My arms. Run into My Presence, for I am there! For I am the I AM. And I’m already there.
The Blood of My precious Son has purchased you, has cleansed you, has purified you. No weapon that they can form against you can discount the Blood. They cannot discount the Blood.
They will be shocked at the joy and rejoicing that My people will have, RUNNING to the battle, RUNNING to the persecution, RUNNING with joy to the guillotines and the torment – because I am already there. They will not feel the blades, they will not feel the torture, the torment, the persecution – they will not feel it – for I am there – I have it covered. Fear no evil, for I am with you. Fear no evil. I have overcome ALREADY! I have already overcome the world. There’s nothing to fear.
Rejoice! Rejoice in the victory that is waiting for you as you run to the battle, run to the torture, run to the guillotines! For I am there – waiting for you – with victory in My arms. Victory in My hands for you! Come! Come! says the Lord. Come! Come into Me. Come unto Me and come into Me. I am there to receive you, says the Lord. I am there to receive you.
Just be still and know that I am God, and I am your Father, and you’re already above it all. You’ve already won the victory – it’s already yours!
You are not running to your torture, and persecution and torment, and the guillotines – you’re not running to pain. You’re running to victory. Come! Run to Me. Run to Me, my darlings! I have a great and mighty love for you, and everything’s gonna be alright. Thus says the Lord.