
Report on Lee University Revival Meeting Attendance on Saturday, February 18, 2023 – Anonymous

Lee Collage Revival on Feb 18, 2023 photo by Anonymous

Report on Lee University Revival Meeting Attendance on Saturday, February 18, 2023

February 19, 2023 1:20 PM

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I attended the ongoing meetings at Lee University Chapel for perhaps an hour mid-afternoon. I stood, and later sat, near/on the back row. It was my first time inside the Chapel, which has seating for what I estimated as maybe 600 people.

When I arrived, there was no special indication from the outside that a large group was in attendance, though a relatively large parking lot behind and to the south side of the building was mostly full. There were no lines outside the building – or even inside the lobby. But upon opening a door to the sanctuary, it appeared that almost all seating was full, and there were perhaps 15 people standing in the aisle ahead of me. I chose to stand just behind the last pew, just inside the door.

A Lee Music Faculty member was doing some talking and leading some hymns from his position in front (as seen in the first photograph). He also asked for anyone who wished to read a Scripture aloud for the benefit of all; a few responded accordingly.

A little later he invited anyone who wished to receive prayer to come to the front. An unknown number of people (perhaps ten or more) did so. Hymns continued.

After a few minutes, one young man (possibly a Lee student – I’m not sure) who had been in front and prayed for, stepped a little closer to the pews, and gave a moving testimony: He oft had wondered where the church was after his parents divorced. He explained (a sadly, rather typical story) of his life of sin and feeling unwanted and unworthy of anything good during the ensuing years of his life. Now he rejoiced at what had just happened as he was prayed for – and he specifically mentioned not only that he felt new freedom for forgiveness of his sins, but he also had been healed and delivered from demon(s). We all rejoiced and praised God along with him.

Some time later (during a quiet time for which we had been asked to be in meditation) loud, screechy screaming was heard coming from someone near the front. The wretched sounds continued. At least some in attendance recognized that a demon was responsible. A few began to attend to the afflicted person – as many others reacted with expected mixture of wondering what was happening and what could it all mean. Slowly (it appeared to me) the few involved in the matter went to a room behind or to the side. The faculty song leader started singing again, and soon hymns of praise resounded again. (Personal Note: As I had recently attended a conference on Deliverance, I was not long surprised at the demonic outbursts. But I was startled to think that I had not considered such might happen in a Revival meeting like this – and it appeared that what I had been taught was true: That most in the Church do not believe in, or have any training in, how to deal with the need for Deliverance. –Is there some way to help prepare Revival participants/leaders for such? –At least after the first few days of meetings?)

A little later, Dr. Mark Walker (who has been President of Lee University for about two years now but was a long-time Board Member) walked to the front and was introduced to us. He gave a little background to this Revival, including saying that Holy Spirit had told him early on that it was to be guided by the students.

Dr. Walker asked some of the students who had first been involved to explain from their perspective what had happened. Two different students spoke. One said that a student from Asbury had been in his class the preceding Monday morning [February 13]. A few students in that class here at Lee mentioned to the professor that they wanted to have a closer or more real experience with Jesus. They asked if they could go to the Chapel and pray. The professor said they could. So they did – just a very few students. But soon (and they had not communicated with others in any way) a few more students came into the Chapel. Then more. And then a lot more. (Personal Note: If I am remembering correctly, this is EXACTLY how the Asbury students explained the beginning of the Revival there.)

Dr. Walker then also asked for all the Lee students currently in the Chapel to come to the front … and then for all persons aged 18 to 25 to come to the front. The meeting continued, but I left the building.

Inside the Lee University Chapel, shortly after I arrived on February 18. A Music Faculty member leading hymns in front.

Dr. Walker addresses those in attendance.

Dr. Walker joined by Lee students present at the moment.


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