Repentance Is The Answer
December 30, 2023 12:34 PM
Holy Spirit is speaking to His people about His desire to flow to us and through us, where His people ought to be, and being ready.
Last night I had a dream about a well-respected Christian institution. I was sitting at a job interview, I thought I was interviewing for a position that I used to have, but then to my left I see a handyman. He or someone said no, you are here to be on the team that takes care of the pipes. Next, I see a large view of a pipe which is not seen to any person going through this place in a normal way. The pipe is filled with snake like being-things.
I also hear him say “nematodes”. I see the handyman lift up snake skins, like look how big! These snake-worm things were consuming the sewage. The handyman was thinking what a great solution to have these snake-worm things in the pipes. But I looked at the pipe which I could see through, the snake-worm things were actually clogging the pipe. It was the problem not the solution.
Sewage is inevitable. How we deal with it is another thing! Letting spiritual filth build up attracts parasitic demons.
I also saw in an open vision around 2007 that church altars up front are like a pipe with thick sewage either partially or totally blocking pure worship!
Repentance is the answer. O God, let there be pastors who see the need to let go of the programs, clock, and human expectations, and weep and worship at Your Altar.
Our pathways need opened, cleansed, and healed in the Name and Presence of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
All of the pathways of the LORD are mercy and truth to such as keep Your covenant and testimonies. Psalm 25:10
Whoever believes on Me, as the Scriptures have said, river of water shall flow from your belly. -Jesus (John 7:38)
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