release the cry of His heart
June 15, 2020 1:03 PM
Josh Huffman
Dream recieved 06/08/2020
I was in a church fixing to preach and had my mentor with me. Lots of people were in there. As I began to open up with prayer and go to preach, the Lord spoke to me audibly in the dream and said release the cry in your heart for my people and I began to weep as I was preaching. I began to cry out to God in repentance for the complacency of the church..
People began to cry where they was at. Groaning in the spirit all across the church. The Lord said in the coming days there would be messengers who go to regions and would be told to release “release the cry of His heart” and as they did so the fear of the Lord would come and many peoples hearts would be shaken and people would be awakened and come to repentance. He is exposing hearts.
Its not a one man show anymore where crowds show up for the entertainment of the ministers gifts but those who seem as the least of them all will carry the authentic heart of the Father and as they began to release the cry of His heart, impure motives and agenda would be exposed and a reformation would come and people would encounter him in a way they never have.
His breath is blowing life now in the dead places. We have came so caught up and became distracted by the applause of man, we have forsaken the place of intimacy with the Father in the secret. A revolution is here!