Dream, Rapture

Rapture Dream – Melisa May

Rapture Dream

March 8, 2020 10:31 PM
Melisa May

Rapture dream given to my husband J Cooper 3/8/2020 Interpretation given by Melisa May

This morning my husband had a dream. We were on a highway traveling somewhere. My husband and I were traveling in separate vehicles but my husband was following the car I was in. My husband was in a black van with his pilot crew. I was in a bright green car station wagon full of woman.. and all the other cars were dark blue in color. (I will explain the colors later and what they represent)

Cars began to wreck into one another. My husband told his driver to stop immediately. He said my car had hit a guard rail and was spinning and he had this urge to run to me quickly to make sure I was okay. He said as he was running to my car a force hit him and his body hit the protective/ sound barrier wall you sometimes see on highways. The wall was high. He said and angel of the Lord came and pulled him up off the ground where he landed and started to pull him upward! He said I was also being pulled up at the same time!!!


My husband literally saw what it’s going to be like when the rapture happens on the highways and roads! When we are raptured the wreckage will be horrible. Black van.. the color black stands for judgement against sin. The green car I was in.. green means immortality aka or immortal bodies. Green also means resurrection in the spring!! Now the wall my husband landed up against stood for security and safety. When the rapture occurs it will be security and safety for those of us who are believers. And all the other cars were dark blue.. this represented those who did not go in the rapture. Blue is also associated with physical punishment (most precisely ‘blueness’ caused by bruising), which cleanses the evil as well as brings an inner sense of sin according to Proverbs 20:30! The left behind will receive a physical punishment and they will to go through tribulation.

Y’all between my husband and I have had 4 rapture dreams in the past year alone! The Holy Spirit is showing us Jesus is coming soon. Please repent and ask Jesus to be the Lord over your life! He is coming!! As always take dreams and interpretations of our dreams before the Lord!

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