Prepare yourself for the coming deception
May 25, 2021
Barbara Francis
Child, I want to speak to you personally. Many are grieved by the things they see happening in the world . I want to remind you this world is not your home you are passing through it. I want you to consider carefully the wonderful reward that is waiting for you. You have been suffering in silence. You have physical and mental pain. I know you . You belong to me . These things are temporary. Soon there will be drastic changes on the earth. The earth is going through the process of cleansing, just as you have gone through this process of purification and refining. I want you to be encouraged and know I Am always with you. Those that seek after me will find me and Truth. You have been warned of sudden destruction and war coming you have now lived through the plague. You have been prepared by the world leaders for a strange encounter. This has been planned for several years . Do not trust what your physical eyes are about to see. Trust your Spiritual eyes. Come to me all those who thirst . I will give you living water. I am the good Shepherd. You know my voice do not follow another. Prepare yourself for the coming deception. Remember I AM always with you. I love you my child.