May 18, 2019
Bella Orsi
Information about covering your home from satanic visitation:
Have you ever wonder where that argument with a family member all of a sudden came from? Have you ever ask yourself, “Why is my family sick all the time?” “Why is it that my children behave so uncontrollably?
Your home is where you live with your family and it should be at peace at all times. But the powers of hell will like to invade your home for the purpose of causing chaos and confusion. The only way Satan can come into your house and remain is if you invite him in and allow him to stay. It is important for you to periodically spiritually disinfect your home with violent prayers.
Results of these prayers:
As you pray these prayers, Satan and his forces will become angry but helpless. He hates for these prayers to be released over a home because they carry firepower. It sends the forces of darkness packing and running out of your home. When you release these prayers, stand in the middle of your house. This will be for the house in general. If you have children and they are acting up, pray these prayers in their bedroom. If you are married and your marriage is being attacked, then pray them in your marriage bedroom.
1. As God gave Solomon peace all the days of his reign living in his palace, so I claim the same peace of God over my house, in the name of Jesus.
2. I wash my house from top to bottom with the blood of Jesus.
3. I paint my house red with the blood of Jesus.
4. Let the foundation of my house be disinfected from past contamination, in the name of Jesus.
5. Father, let every innocent blood shed in the land where my house sits, be forgiven by the blood of Jesus.
6. I re-dedicate my house to Jehovah the God of heaven and earth.
7. As the blood of the Passover Lamb in Egypt saved the people from the spirit of death, let that same blood be over my house, in the name of Jesus.
8. I command every demonic contamination affecting the spiritual climate in my house to evaporate by fire! In the name of Jesus.
9. I anoint my doors, windows, roof, walls and furniture in my house with the blood of Jesus.
10. I command all satanic invaders living in my house to leave now! In the name of Jesus.
11. Spirit of night raider, be roasted by fire! In the name of Jesus.
12. Spirit of divorce and marital arguments in my house, I break your back! In the name of Jesus.
13. Let every dark power who has attached himself to any furniture in my house be drowned in the blood of Jesus.
14. Let any accursed object that has invited any demons into my house melt by fire! In the name of Jesus.
15. I wash my house, the furniture, the appliances, and every wall with the blood of Jesus.
-I bind every evil spirit in this room, and I command it to leave now! In the name of Jesus.
-I cover this room and everything in it with the blood of Jesus.
-Let every demonic invader in this room catch fire and die! In the name of Jesus.
-I break and remove all legal grounds that have invited demons in this room, in the name of Jesus.
-I place an angel of war inside this room, and let him keep watch day and night, in the name of Jesus.
-I dedicate this room to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Satan has no hold in this room. I paint this room with the bright and powerful red blood of Jesus.
17. I break all curses buried in the land under this house, in the name of Jesus.
18. I dismantle every altar used to dedicate this place to Satan, in the name of Jesus.
19. I disinfect with Holy Ghost bleach all satanic stains marking this house for evil, in the name of Jesus.
20. I take control and bind Satan and all his evil rulers that have controlled this place, in the name of Jesus.
21. You strongman in charge of this place, I break your spinal cord. Become paralysed! In the name of Jesus.
22. Let fire chase, find and roast the strongman over this house, in the name of Jesus.
23. Let the fire of disgrace be released against the strongman over this place, in the name of Jesus.
24. Every evil doorkeeper, fall down and die! In the name of Jesus.
25. Every evil doorkeeper, receive Holy Ghost paralysis in the name of Jesus.
26. Every evil doorkeeper over this place let your stomach blow up with parasites of fire! In the name of Jesus
27. I bind, break and cast out every evil spirit working in:
-the people of this house;
-the foundation of this place;
-the finances of the people;
-the people that come in to this house.
28. I break all curses working in my house, in the name of Jesus.
29. I break all curses working against my land, in the name of Jesus.
30. I break all curses working against my property, in the name of Jesus.
31. Every hindrance against the people in this house crack now! In the name of Jesus.
32. I loose the spirit of burning, destruction, judgement, confusion and warrior angels to attack and destroy stubborn strongmen in this place in the name of Jesus.
33. Let every negative spirit that have come into my house to catch a headache and flee now! In the name of Jesus.
34. I disinfect every room in my house with the blood of Jesus.
35. I disinfect this land with the blood of Jesus.
36. I disinfect the title deed to my house with the blood of Jesus.
37. Let all negative spirits following people into this house be pulverised by fire and let their eyes melt in their sockets! In the name of Jesus
[Take some time to praise and thank the Lord]
*Now anoint the doors, windows, beds, pillows, walls and furniture in all the rooms with anointing oil, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Joshua 24:15) As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
(Isaiah 32:18) And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.
(Proverbs 3:33) The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.
1. Father, I thank You for this house that you have given my family and I to dwell in.
2. I declare that this house is the resting place of angels, in the name of Jesus.
3. From this house shall go forth kings, princes, presidents and governors, in the name of Jesus.
4. I declare that out of this house, the glory of the Lord shall shine into my neighbourhood, in the name of Jesus.
5. As the Ark of the Covenant blessed the house of Obededom, so shall the presence of Jehovah bless this house, in the name of Jesus.
6. As the Lord prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies, let the table of rest, peace and joy be in my house, in the name of Jesus.
7. I speak prophetically over my house, that every wall, roof, piece of plumbing and appliance will be kept in perfect peace, and nothing shall break, in the name of Jesus.
8. The angles are walking inside and around my house now! In the name of Jesus
9. Every demonic contamination released into my house is dying now! In the mighty name of Jesus
10. As God shut the mouth of the lions for the sake of Daniel, so the same Jehovah will shut the mouth of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
[As you say these prayers begin to walk around the room]
11. Although the walls of Jericho fell by the power of Jehovah, let the same power keep my house from falling, in the name of Jesus.
12. Lord Jesus, You are welcome in this house forever. This is Your abiding place. Come in and out any time You want and let Your presence fill every room here! Alleluia!
13. I speak prosperity, health, joy, peace, unity and laughter over this house, in the name of Jesus.
14. Like the trees of Lebanon, so shall the people in this house flourish, in the name of Jesus.
15. I declare that this is the pavilion of the Lord, and blessings shall adorn this house for as long as I live here, in the name of Jesus.
16. I speak in the power of God, and I declare that no evil report shall come near my dwelling place, in the name of Jesus.
17. I speak to the atmosphere in this house. Let any turbulence wanting to rob our peace here be swallowed by fire! In the name of Jesus
18. I decree that embarrassment shall NOT be known in this house.
19. I decree that poverty shall NOT know the address of this house.
20. Sickness shall NOT come knocking on the door of this house, in the name of Jesus.
21. Let the foundation of this house be the foundation of blessings, in the name of Jesus.
22. I bless this house, in the name of the Lord.
[Give thanks and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ]
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