Prayer, Word

Prayer Word – Whitney Eslick Manuel

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Prayer Word

July 18, 2024 12:32 AM
Whitney Eslick Manuel
July 18, 2024 1:01AM
This started as a journaled prayer, but I could feel the HOLY SPIRIT at some point guiding the prayer, as if it was turning into more of a word or prophetic prayer. Then, the LORD told me to submit it, so here it is:
First I read Psalm 62 and then I journaled:
“Tonight I watched the news, the RNC convention with my husband. All of the hoopla, all the plans and promises sounded so good. But my soul could find no delight in it, other than when truth was spoken or love was shown. How can I delight when the LORD has spoken judgment? Has no one heard? Has no one believed? Even the people of GOD have stuffed up their ears to hearing the true prophetic word given from GOD to HIS true prophets. My soul is sad. It is in distress at what is on the horizon. I have seen the brave young men fighting. And for what? How can you be on the side of right when you fight for Babylon? How can a warrior be found righteous when his land has refused to humbly repent of excessive sin and rebellion to our GOD? What balm of hope or healing do I have to offer those who will fight and die, to those who have been decreed to lose for judgment’s sake? I weep now for our men, young and old. I weep for the lion’s of Israel and America whose majesty will be abased. Oh, my people! Oh, my people! You could have been healed! You could have been restored so that any enemy would have fled 100 different ways from you. You could have repented and returned and stayed judgment’s hand, but you would have none of it. My people, my people! Oh, that my tears could do you some good! I have but one hope, one singular prayer left in me. May judgment come, swift and strong, judgment mixed with grace and mercy for one singular and powerful precise goal—> TO BRING ALL MEN, AS MANY AS CAN BE, BROUGHT TO SINCERE REPENTANCE AND RETURN TO OUR LORD. Let it come! Let it come and let it count! And may the judgments, all that are to come in increasing measure, may they all be blessed in JESUS’ NAME with the power and anointing to draw more and more people to YOU, I pray in JESUS’ NAME. I do pray for leniency, as much as is needed, to bring as many men, women, and children to YOU, dear LORD, as possible. I pray them all for YOU, LORD JESUS~”


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