May 2, 2021 11:11 PM
J Howell
Dream Received 5-1-21
I was traveling alone in my car, with no family members, no money, no food, no water. I drove past buildings that were deserted, abandoned and falling down. I was very hot, tired, and dirty. I knew in my spirit I was homeless. I stopped at an abandoned building that resembled a run down truck stop. Inside there was a restroom and shower stalls with cold running water. I stood fully clothed in the cold shower long enough to wash my hair, and wash the grime off myself and my clothes. But I was freezing and had no way to dry off. In desperation I started to cry. Then a stranger appeared out of nowhere and handed me the fluffiest, softest, warmest, sweetest smelling towel I had ever seen. Words cant express how thankful I was for that beautiful towel.
Things are going to get bad. People will be desperate to survive. We will be called upon to help each other in even the smallest ways, and share God’s word.