Planet Lockdown
January 6, 2021
Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.
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my name is catherine austin fitz i’m the
publisher of the solari report and
managing director
of solar investment advisory services
and what do you think is happening
economically as a result of all this
so what is happening i just published a
huge study called the state of our
and what i describe is the fact that for
many decades the dollar has been the
reserve currency
and the system is what i would describe
as long in the tooth
and the central bankers are trying to
bring in a new system
but it’s not ready to go yet and what
we’re in a period of great change and
uncertainty where
the central bankers are trying to keep
the dollar system going
and accelerate so they’re trying to
lengthen the dollar system and then
they’re trying to
accelerate bringing in the new system
they have to bring in the new system
without anybody quite realizing exactly
what it is
so we’ve had a global reserve currency
the dollar and it needs to evolve and
and it’s long in the tooth there’s lots
unhappiness with the system and the
central bankers are trying to bring a
new system and to do it
they’re trying to extend the old and
accelerate the new
and it makes it a very chaotic thing
much of the new is being tested and
tried and prototyped and it involves
many different industries so uh
i describe the new system as the end of
currencies so
it’s we’re not bringing in a new
currency we’re essentially bringing in a
transaction system that will be all
digital and essentially end currencies
as we know them
so what they’re trying to do is involves
essentially all the money on the planet
so it’s big it’s complicated it’s messy
and the challenge they have is how do
you market a system
that if people understood it nobody
would want and of course
the way you do that is with a healthcare
and why is the healthcare crisis good
for that
because generally if if a few people
want to control the many
the question is how can you you know how
can you hurt all the sheep into the
slaughterhouse without them realizing
resisting so uh the perfect thing is
invisible enemies
so we had the war on terrorism you know
with invisible terrorists and then
then now a virus is perfect because it’s
invisible you can’t
prove that it doesn’t exist because it’s
visible invisible
so invisible enemies are always the
preferred one particularly if they scare
if you can use fear and introduce
significant fear then people will need
government to protect them from the
invisible enemy
then the second tactic which is very
effective is divide and conquer
and so in the meantime if you can use
the media the media plays a very
important role if you can turn
men and women against each other in
black and white against each other
and one of the reasons you import a lot
of immigrants into
uh into europe is turn the general
population against the immigrants and
then you need government to be in the
middle and
you know so so these are all whether
it’s divide and tactic or invisible
enemies these are all ways to institute
fear and get people to go along with
things and of course
the invisible virus allows you to do
enormous control mechanisms you can stop
people from gathering
you can stop people from organizing you
can stop people from getting together
and talking about what’s going on etc
etc and if you digitize it with contract
tracing then you can control who’s
talking to whom
if you can get them to do all their work
and education online you can
literally listen to everything they’re
saying so you can
you can institute extraordinary amounts
of surveillance all in the you know the
theory that we’re protecting you from
the invisible virus
it’s very clever you know and as you can
see it’s working in
with many people not everybody but many
people so
to me a lot and and i don’t i don’t want
to us
underestimate the ability of the
leadership to introduce pathogens that
will kill people and i don’t want to
suggest that people aren’t getting sick
but essentially what you’re trying to do
is you’re trying to get people to buy
a solution before they see where it’s
ultimately going to go
because you’re talking about a
transaction system that
is no longer currency it’s a control
system so
it’s like a credit at the company store
if every central bank comes out
with a digital central bank currency
they have the ability to turn your money
on and off so if you don’t behave
that’s it and of course as we know they
want to combine this with transhumanism
which means literally you know i take
injections that can
institute the equivalent of an operating
system in my body
and so i’m hooked up to the financial
system literally physically
just the fact that the beginning a
little bit too little
is um what is the actual effect of the
lockdown measures
so what you’re doing is you’re trying to
i used to call the patriot act the
concentration in control of cash flow
and this is a very similar process
you’re trying to dramatically centralize
and political control so let me give you
an example
we have a hundred small businesses on
main street in a community
you declare them non-essential shut them
down suddenly
amazon and walmart and the big box
stores can come in and take away all the
market share
in the meantime the people on main
street have to keep paying off their
credit cards or their mortgage
so they’re in a debt entrapment and
they’re desperate to get cash flow to
basically their debts and their
day-to-day expenses
in the meantime you have the federal
reserve institute a form of quantitative
easing where
they’re buying corporate bonds and the
and the guys who are taking up the
market share can basically finance
at you know zero to one percent or the
their bank scan
zero to one percent when everybody in
main street is paying 16 to 70 percent
of their credit cards without income
so basically now you’ve got them over a
barrel and you can take away their
market share
and generally they can’t afford to do
what they say because they’re too busy
trying to find
money to feed their kids in the 2016
election cycle
we saw the general population support
candidates who represented populism in a
variety of different ways
so bernie sanders was a populist
relative to the other candidates donald
trump was a populist relative to the
other candidates
and literally what the sort of
global capital class realized was they
had a problem
that that you know that could be solved
by destroying the independent income
of small business and and sole
practitioners and people who had
independent forms of income
so if you’re a doctor if you’re a lawyer
if you’re a cpa
and you have your own practice you are
generally gonna you are gonna support
the populist candidates and so
the way to shut the populist candidates
down and just shut off their income and
which is you put main street out of
business and then there’s nobody to
finance a bernie sanders or a donald
trump there’s nobody
to support him
so i mean do those the lockdown measures
appear to
be it’s more of an economic thing than a
virus mitigation plan
so this is an economic war and um you’ve
basically had
sort of the top one percent so since
we’ve seen um global billionaires
increase their net worth by 27
now what that’s what that says is this
has been a very successful
global economic work because what you’re
having is this sort of global capitalist
class and i
i shouldn’t call it capitalism because
it’s not it’s much more total
it’s economic totalitarianism what
you’ve seen is they’ve been able to
consolidate fantastic amounts of
economic wealth
not just by deleting the income of the
middle class and consolidating it into
their companies
but by significantly improving
the wealth and power of the largest
g7 developed countries and china
vis-a-vis the
emerging markets so um
you know the the the countries with the
most advanced technology
and the access to ai and software
and to the sort of digital systems
including through space
are dramatically consolidating economic
power vis-a-vis the weaker nations
so we’re seeing a consolidation of
economic power centralization
both into the the wealthier and the more
powerful nations
um and and the the basically top one
percent who control them
so i would describe the you know the
what covet 19 is is
a the institution of controls
necessary to convert
the planet from democratic process to
so what we’re watching is a change in
and an engineering of new control
systems so think of this as a coup
it’s much more like a coup d’etat than a
so uh for 20 some years in the united
states we’ve had a financial coup d’etat
and we knew in at the end of 1995 a
decision was made to move
much of the assets and money out of the
country that was part of
of sort of bubbling the global economy
of globalization
and they knew that once they’d finished
moving all those assets that they would
have to consolidate and change the
the fundamental system so after the
financial coup
you you’ve stolen all the money in the
pension funds you’ve stolen all the
money in the government
and now rather than turn and tell people
well we stole your money
you need an excuse that will allow you
to consolidate and change the
fundamental system and so
you have a magic virus and the magic
virus is oh
you know we have to fundamentally change
the system and you know thanks to the
magic virus there’s no money in social
security thanks to the magic virus
there’s no money in the treasury
you know and you have your perfect magic
excuse everything can be blamed on
yeah the magic virus can you know it’s
amazing because
because every implication of the
financial coup
has been magically solved by the magic
it’s quite if you’re a financial person
and you look at the world through the
mathematics of time and money
it’s quite amazing that anybody believes
it but they do yeah
yeah right it’s part it’s part of
joining the
you know what cj hopkins calls the
kavinian cult you join the cult and you
say oh yeah
yeah well the magic virus took all the
money from social security
magic virus caused our pension funds to
you know
not be sufficient blah blah blah blah
so what do you think the technocracy
they were being
pushed towards this will look like so
technocracy the technocracy that they’re
pushing towards
is what is called transhumanism so
essentially what you do
is you use injections to inject
materials into the body that
create the equivalent of an operating
system so everybody knows
the idea of microsoft causing you to
download an operating system in your
computer that gives
microsoft and a variety of other players
a back
door into your computer and and every
month or two or
three you’ve got to update it because
they’re viruses right it’s back to the
magic virus that can solve
all problems and so so this is a similar
for your body you inject materials into
your body that essentially
create the equivalent of an operating
system and a receiver and you can
literally hook everybody up to the cloud
and that includes hooking them up in a
way that their transaction system you
know the bible calls it the mark of the
beast is
one way people know the stuff but you’re
you’re basically talking about
being able to digitally identify and
track people
in connection with their financial
transactions so it’s a world of zero
um zero privacy
but more importantly what’s important to
understand is you’re
if you if you then institute one or more
central bank
cryptos you’re now talking about a
system where every central bank in the
can shut you off individually from
transacting if they don’t like the way
you’re behaving
so many people are familiar with the
social credit system in china it’s very
similar you’re you’re basically if you
if you install the smart grid in their
car their community
and now in their literally in their body
you’ve got
24 7 surveillance and if people don’t do
what you say and behave the way you want
uh you know they can and and will shut
off your money
so and and they’ll also have spatial
control if they say you can’t travel
more than five miles
that’s it you you know because you’re in
a you’re in a complete digital control
and it’s controlled by the central
bankers through the money we’re
digitizing everything but it includes
the human body as well
and the human mind so this system
comes with complete control not only of
your ability to transact financially
which is hooked up to your body but
uh very sophisticated mind control
technology through
the media and those cloud connections so
so basically you’re talking about
hooking up into the borg if you will and
um and so transhumanism technocracy
go hand in hand now i would describe
this as a slavery system
so we’re talking about shifting out of
freedom where we have freedom to
roam and freedom to say what we want
into a complete
control system 24 7 including mind
now the challenge before us is if the
you know sort of the committee that runs
the world my nickname being mr global if
mr global wants to go to a slavery
and we want to remain a human
civilization then we have a fundamental
and that is the disagreement before us
and um we get to the uh the diagrams
okay so if you look at what’s going on
we have
the tech people building the
the clouds and the telecommunications we
have the military
doing space and operation warp speed so
they’re putting up the satellites
okay then we have big pharma which is
making the injections
that are full of these mystery
ingredients and change
modify your dna and for all we know make
you infertile
um and then we have the media pouring
out the propaganda
and then we have the central bankers
engineering the to to the crypto
the central bank crypto systems
so you have these different pillars and
it’s very important when you look at
what’s going on day to day particularly
in the media
they’re trying to keep them separate so
that you can’t see how they’re going to
come together
in integrated system which is basically
integrated into your body and your mind
for what purpose to institute the
slavery system
so in other words if i am going to do
everything through a smart grid and i
need to run the smart grid into your
neighborhood and then i need to run the
smart grid into your body
the question is how am i going to build
it out in your neighborhood and build it
on your body without you seeing the trap
right so so that’s why you try and keep
these different lines separate so if you
listen to these natural baggers
they try as hard as they can to stay
away from these conversations
so it was interesting i was watching an
imf presentation on cross-border
payments and the federal reserve
the head of the imf mentioned the
global id system and you would have
the federal chairman the federal reserve
chairman almost blanched and you could
energetically feel him
moving like a galaxy away like no no no
no because
you know there are more they’re 325
million americans and they’re more than
325 million guns
and he doesn’t want everybody to see
this until
the trap is thrown it’s too late
we’ve been put in a trap this year
yes right but the door hasn’t shut
so that’s why the reason we’re talking
is because transparency can blow the
it’s interesting because in um in
the beginning of the year when i wrote
the article injection fraud and said
bill gates is trying to download an
operating system in your body just the
way you download it in your mind
and use virus as an excuse to have to
update it
you know to to make it work for his back
door every day
three months later and then and then
corbett did a great series on gates and
several people came out and sort of
reaffirmed this and um
uh it was in the fall yahoo finance did
a poll i published a poll saying that 44
of republicans thought bill gates wanted
to chip them
and i said okay we’re making progress
so uh you know and that’s exactly when
gates sort of disappeared and they
brought out operation morph speed
because they needed
um and interestingly enough the person
they chose to lose
run operation warp speed was an expert
on uh injectable brain machine interface
he used to head research at
and and he’s a brain machine interface
a creepy resume for that job huh it’s a
perfect resume for that job
you know here’s one of the most
important developments that happened
in 2019 in addition to the
um to the approval of the going direct
plan by the central bankers in jackson
was the issuance uh by the department of
defense of the jedi cloud contract to
so you had amazon receive amazon is
essentially a cia and intelligence
agency contractor
they started getting a random profit
when they
entered into major contracts with the
cia to provide the clouds not only for
the cia
but all 17 u.s intelligence agencies
through that umbrella cloud contract
so you now have amazon running the
intelligence agencies contract
this year latos did a big contract or at
the end of 2019 latos did a big contract
with the um with the navy and then dod
did the jedi contract and so those three
huge cloud contracts
give you the ability once you get
everybody hooked up into them to
radically re-engineer how the um
how the cash flows work so you can
shut down all small business uh or
almost all small business
put everybody in a universal basic
income which is basically a control
and run it all through the through the
military clouds
so you can you can see the the direction
we’re headed but it’s a little uncertain
as to
as to why or no it’s it’s simple
um technology gives you the ability to
a complete control system and further
economic and political control so i’ll
give you a perfect example
the reason the african-american slave
ended there were two reasons in my
one is you couldn’t perfect collateral
so the banks in london kept losing money
because the plantation owners when the
commodities market went down
would sell their slaves west and the
banks couldn’t go get their collateral
so they would finance the purchase of a
slave and say 50
loan to value ratio and then when the
commodities markets down they’d sell the
slaves they ran away and the banks would
be hung
right and the banks couldn’t prove that
you know
harry was their slave
because they couldn’t they had no way of
perfecting collateral okay
so um so that was number one the second
the haitians rebelled and and the
europeans sent
several armies in to try and quell the
rebellion and never could
the haitians were too good okay now if
you look at digital technology
you can perfect the collateral okay
and with space weaponry and and the kind
weaponry you have from space and
surveillance you can put down any
right so the reasons
that the slave trade which was
unbelievably profitable the history of
the world
is slavery is the most profitable
business it’s more profitable
than mining it’s more profitable than
um than narcotics i mean it’s it’s more
profitable than all the addictions
so if you now have the technological
capability of implementing slavery
their attitude i think is okay let’s do
right and part of it is technology
technology also makes it much easier for
a small group of people to get together
and be very powerful so for example if
they bring in breakthrough energy
technology the danger is a small group
of crazy people can weaponize it
so technology is powerful the more
powerful technology you integrate
the more danger there is you lose
control now
there are other theories as why people
would want complete control
so for i’ll give you another reason you
know given the difficulty of feeding and
a population that’s getting ever larger
you now have biotechnology that allows
mr global to live for 150 years
you know you can’t afford you can’t keep
that secret
right if if the web if the wealthier
living for 150 years and we’re not that
you can’t keep that a secret
so so why not downsize the population
integrate robots use robotics for
and you can have a very wealthy and
luxurious life
without all the management headaches
so the kind of
breaking of society into into different
classes or into an uber class in a vast
peasantry mixed with robotics
yes yeah in other words
what i think what’s trying what’s trying
to happen here is mr global is using
to move to a system where between
robotics ai and software
a few people can control the many with
far less headaches and fear you have to
mr global is very very afraid of the
general population
their fear yeah they’re very afraid
if you’ve been keeping
you know several times i’m told the
leadership in the united states has
gotten together to discuss
how can we undo the secrecy and each
they come to the conclusion it’s
impossible you can’t
undo the secrecy because the liabilities
are too
enormous so if you’re the swamp and
you’re guilty of all the different
things the swamp is guilty of
and you try and open
the window on the secrecy you run
tremendous risks tremendous risks
so you’re afraid of the general
and the history of governance is you
know the general population occasionally
does turn and kill the leadership
so the 325 million people in america
they’re more guns
so you know my guess the reason jay
powell was backpedaling when the head of
the imf was talking about digital
identities is
he’s sitting there knowing he’s got 325
million people and more
and a lot of them have guns and they
don’t have a lockdown yet
this is why the second amendment is such
a fractious issue
most people around the world don’t
understand why people in america are so
rabid about owning guns and
you know the first reason they’re rabbit
about earning guns is they don’t
understand the power of mind control
so you know so if i can institute total
mind control which is what the system is
you know
guns aren’t that dangerous to me but um
you know the leadership is to do what
they want to do
it would be very very convenient if they
could bring in the guns
and you’ll see if the democrats win this
election that’s the first thing they’re
going to try and do
um after making everybody wear face
diapers they’re gonna
they’re gonna try and bring in the guns
and this is why
the republicans holding the senate has
been such a big issue
yeah because they can’t do it if the
republicans hold the senate
the election is such a mess huh so
here’s the thing when i try and tell
you know because i i grew up in
philadelphia and my first boyfriend’s
father was a ward leader who used to go
out with a roll of cash and buy all the
votes every election
so you know there’s an old tradition in
america voting fraud and what i tell
everybody is
neither one of these candidates would
have been the candidate without the
voting fraud
to begin with so you know we’re in a
funny position but i’ve never seen the
voting fraud as blatant
and i think to a certain extent you know
it’s interesting
they could not have stopped a trump
landslide without covet 19.
so one question i have is how much of
because i thought they would do this
after the election how much of the
timing of the health care op
is basically designed to make sure they
don’t get a populist president
not that trump isn’t you know it’s hard
for me to think of donald trump as a
populist because he’s very much on board
for the pro centralization team but he’s
um as michael moore has said he’s the
american people’s way of saying fu to
to the leadership so i think it was very
important to them to get rid of trump
they’re trying to do the problem is
they’ve used massive
voter fraud to do it and but they’ve
used the fraud in a way that it’s
that the fraud is off the charts and
it’s almost as though
you know they they’re turning to the the
population which they’re trying to turn
into a cult and saying
you have to pretend this guy is the
president even though you know
he’s not so
you know we have a fake virus and a
magic virus and a fake president
and a magic political system and it’s
you know it really is getting very
cult-like it’s the only thing i can say
yeah it’s almost like a switch is flick
this year and we’re
in bizarro world right um
so we’ve been in bizarre world from the
minute they started to
to steal the money we moved into a
bizarre world and i think
you know the only difference is now
as they moved all the money and the
official reality
moved away from reality even further and
you know that’s part and parcel of the
many people thought they could stay on
the middle of the road
and now what’s clear is you know you
have to go with a cult or you have to go
with truth
the middle of the road is is going away
and so everybody has to choose which
they want
let’s go to the rights okay so
so when the riots began and the
leadership took the position
that you couldn’t go to church because
of the
danger of the magic virus but you could
go to the riots and protest
my team and i started to look at the
and so we first we made if you if you
come into solari there’s a database
called coven 19
and uh i think it’s covet 19 riots and
so the first thing we did is we looked
at the state
and we looked at the cities and whether
the governor was democrat or republican
and then what the covid cases and deaths
and then we said okay we’re going to
check a box
called riots where riots have been so we
started to look at the patterns of the
riots vis-a-vis the
machine political machine control
and sort of the covet magic virus op
and there was something wrong when i was
looking at the data and i could feel you
know i’m a very intuitive person i was
saying there’s something there’s
something here
so i said to the wonderful teammate who
was building this i said
do me a favor i want you to put a box
called the federal
reserve and i want you to check the box
there are 12 banks one headquarters and
then the branches
for a total of 37 locations i want you
to check the box wherever
in in any city where we have a branch or
a bank
or the headquarters i want a check
and what we discovered is 34 of the 37
bank locations have riots and i said
well wait a minute that’s a pattern
there’s something here let’s drill down
so we started with minneapolis and
we said let’s take the data
of all the buildings that were harmed or
burnt or businesses
and we’ll map it you know we’ll do a gis
and we’ll map where these businesses
and how close they were to the federal
reserve bank
and so the first one we did there’s a
there’s a street going across
minneapolis called lake
and we mapped them and one of the things
we did when we mapped them was we drew
pictures of where the opportunity zones
do you know what an opportunity zone is
an opportunity zone
is a tax shelter mechanism created in
to help the tech billionaires as they
sold their stock
avoid capital gains so you can
if you’re jeff bezos who sold 10 billion
dollars of stock this year
if you were to roll over your proceeds
into opportunity zone investments and
handle it in a certain way
you could avoid all capital gains tax
so this is fantastically profitable
now if you look at the riots when i
first saw
how all the buildings and businesses
along lake street were right at the
bottom of the opportunity i started to
laugh and i said
you know i was assistant secretary of
housing that’s not a riot pattern that’s
a real estate acquisition plan
so what are you saying it’s a it’s to
cheapen the prices in the city
so so i have a thriving series of
small businesses a lot owned by african
and hispanics along a particular
boulevard in the opportunity zone
if first i declare the business is
non-essential and shut them down
right magic virus so first i declare
them non-essential so
now they’re in real trouble right
because they can’t do their business
and then i have riots and burn and
damage them
right if i was really clever i pulled
their insurance right before i did it i
know what the case was but we’ll see
so now their business is shut down
now hung on their debt right whether
their mortgage or their
credit card but even worse now their
building has been damaged and of course
insurance doesn’t cover all the repairs
and fixing right
so needless to say it’s going to be a
lot easier and cheaper for me to go in
and buy up all those
buildings right voila it’s called
disaster capitalism
so we then mapped we did minneapolis
then we mapped
uh kenosha then portland and now we’re
doing a place in ohio
and the patterns we’re seeing if you
look at the clusters of where the damage
just speaking as assistant secretary of
those are in my opinion real estate
acquisition plans
completely you know especially when they
come on top of declaring all those small
businesses not essential and shutting
them down
we’re restricting them you know i’m sure
you got a lot of restaurants in there
yeah so for example if you look at san
49 of the businesses in san francisco
are expected to be out of business by
the end of the year
do you know how much real estate you’re
going to be able to pick up cheap on
it’s going to it’s phenomenal
now when you realize that if they sell
their tech stocks high
they can pick it up really cheap what’s
important to understand is
this makes the economics of building the
smart grid out in the fed cities
remember i said 34 of 37 cities
have a fed bank or branch so this makes
building out the smart
smart grid around the fed banks much
which i’m assuming you want to do if
you’re going to come out with a crypto
okay okay so mr global
is now coming to the point where
and can you explain who’s mr global yeah
so mr global is my nickname for the
committee that runs the world the
characteristic of life on planet earth
is our
real global governance system is a
and think about it it’s phenomenal we
live on a planet
and we don’t demand to know
how our governance system really works
instead it’s a secret so you know i have
a lot of
high octane conjectures dr fair would
say about who and what that is but for
now we’ll call it mr global so mr global
is now
implementing robotics that’s one of the
new technologies that’s really
starting to make an enormous difference
can you label that that’s
okay so so so here’s our robot and
here’s our human
and of course the question for mr global
you know which is more efficient doing
what in other words if i’m supposed to
manage the planet and all the natural
and harvest it to my benefit and make
you know my risk is reduced how much do
i want to use robots for and how much do
i want to do
do humans form now the brilliance of
hooking everybody into the cloud
with a crypt system a cryptosystem
is with ai and software i can have the
teach the robots to the ian software how
to do all their jobs
and in fact i was at the aspen institute
of 2017
and i was having a discussion with with
a venture capitalist
you know sort of billionaire type and he
looked at me with these amazingly dead
eyes and he said look
honey you know i can i can take every
company completely automated with
with software and robotics and and fire
all the humans we don’t need them
i’ve never talked to anybody who didn’t
understand the riot part
wow because that’s a very
typical old game
yeah especially in poor neighborhoods
yeah right yeah
okay so uh do you want me to continue
with this
so we have we have the mr global at the
we have the database and software
using artificial intelligence a very
important part of this now
is the satellite system that’s being put
up in the orbital platform
and using telecommunications and digital
technology you have the ability
24 7 to track and monitor
both your humans and your robots and
the question for mr global is what’s
more efficient
if i can do everything with robots
then what do i do with the humans i
don’t need them anymore
so are we seeing build a kind of human
farming or something
so they would describe it as resource
management and if you look at the
technocracy and the writing about
technocracy so many of us describe we’re
moving from uh
you know whatever systems we use now to
a technocracy
in a technocracy they they view
you have two different visions of the
world my vision of the world
is that humans are sovereign individuals
whose freedom comes by divine authority
that is what
the bill of rights the declaration of
independence the constitution
all revolve around the image of it
of a sovereign individual as as someone
um who is free by divine authority in
the vision of technocracy a human is a
natural resource
like a oil deposit and to be used as
so they’re not a sovereign individual
their labor
and they are either more efficient or
less efficient than a robot
at different functions in other words
what i’m saying is mr global
views the human race like livestock
not someone with which they share
and you know they don’t view us as the
same species as them
and in fact with a lot of the
biotechnology they
figure they’re going to live much longer
lives than we do and live very
differently than we do
so there’s been a real one of the one of
the challenges with the secrecy
as one group becomes more and more
technologically advanced
they separate culturally legally
financially from all the other groups
in other words they have literally
broken away and created a separate
they don’t think of themselves as part
of our civilization anymore
and who is they well that’s the great
mystery and that’s why i call this group
mr global and i you know my personal
experiences with many
different people in that group and
factions but
ultimately i can’t tell you who really
what i will tell you is the planet is
run by force and so ultimately the
question is
who is the who is the most powerful gun
and that comes down to space who has the
most powerful space presence space
as well as who controls the sea lanes so
traditionally control behind the reserve
currency came from control of the sea
but then as we’ve moved into space it’s
it’s now
become control of both the seedlings and
the satellite lanes
and the question is who controls what
and who has what weapons
one of the reasons you’ve seen a very
interesting discussion in the
united states for the last two years is
has been very verbal about space force
and what is possible in space and he’ll
make these allusions to our magical
weapons in space
at which point the generals look at them
very disapproving like don’t
talk about that so the answer is we
don’t know
we don’t know what we do know is part of
the competition right now between china
and america
is that the player who
has the most dominant position in space
has the power to control the whole
so so the chinese have
a um a system called the social credit
system and they’re very much
tying their financial transactions and
abilities to travel and do other things
your behavior and um
uh you know we’ve seen different tv
shows talk about these kinds of systems
but you’re talking about a world where
and we see in china where
um most people are under 24 7
and then their financial incentives
and their financial powers relate to how
well behaved they are
and i would describe it essentially as a
as a slavery system
because there’s no personal freedom
so to a certain extent what technocracy
will do is move
us to a similar kind of system as the
chinese social credit system
where if you misbehave you can be
right so so you know you
so so in theory you have to get a
certain kind of job to make a certain
kind of money
uh in the current system in the new
system you have to
uh work for a certain kind of company
and achieve a certain kind of prominence
to be allowed to
to move more than 10 miles from your
or to be allowed to fly so there’ll be
a pecking order that relates to your
freedoms to either travel
or roam or how much
sort of access you have to resources so
how much money you can make
but remember you’re going into a system
if they believe they can automate
everything with robotic software and ai
it’s going to be that much harder for
you to share
in the benefits and the wealth of the
system because the
the central group can extract so much
in other words they have a one-way
mirror they can see everything you do
you can’t even see who they are
yeah okay
what’s very important to understand
about what is happening
is that the majority of people have been
if if we’re talking about a
transhumanist system or
you know in short a slavery system
most of us have been supporting it and
financing it and building it
so when i look at all the big pharma
why are they building a system where
their own children or grandchildren will
be slaves
why are the central banks doing it why
do they think
you know there’s a theory in america for
many years among the
sort of money classes that if i make
enough money
i can get a waiver i can get out of it
i can eat organic food not eat the gmos
and my grandkids
you know won’t have to take vaccines
but if you look at who’s implementing
all these different
activities you know we’re building our
own slavery system and
that means we have the power to stop in
other words
we don’t have to finance the companies
that are doing this we don’t have to
work for the companies that
are doing this and in fact we don’t even
have to pay our taxes because the
is breaking all the laws related to
financial management we have the ability
to hold them accountable
so we’re building the prison and we’re
financing the prison
and that gives us the power to stop and
that’s why it’s so important that we see
where the system is going
there will be no exceptions
so what is the solution solution is
number one
bring transparency to what’s happening
where the system is going and then stop
building it
you know if if you work for big pharma
and you’re building this
stop you know go find something else to
like build local fresh food systems so
you will have food
um you know so stop financing it
um begin the conversation
of where this is going and more
importantly where we want to go
because we’re going to have to rebuild
the economy bottom up if we don’t want
to be highly centralized so this comes
down to you know i call it coming clean
once upon a time i was in washington i
was writing a check on my jpmorgan chase
private bank bank account and in the
meantime i was engaged in 12 different
tracks of litigation litigating with the
people who are trying to
engineer the housing bubble i was trying
to stop the housing bubble from
and i was writing a check on my jpmorgan
chase personal banking account i
why am i banking at the bank that’s
doing this criminality that’s destroying
that’s doing predatory lending and i
said you know i need to come clean i
need to stop banking there
so you know if tomorrow everybody woke
up in america
and stopped banking at jp morgan chase
and said you know something you all are
criminals we want nothing to do with you
we’re out and went to a local credit
union or
community bank it would be a revolution
it would be a a total revolution if 20
turned to big farm executives and said
you know something
you’re disgusting no sex buy
out the door be a revolution
so we have the power to change this
but we’re all going to have to come
clean because almost all of us are
complicit in implementing this
it’s not them it’s us the solution is
for every one of us to come clean
you’re either for the transhumanist
slavery system
or you’re for for a human system but if
you’re for a human system then you’re
gonna have to find a way to make money
you know and and and and engage socially
in a human system and stop building a a
transhuman system
well the first thing you have to see is
you have to get a good map in other
you can’t navigate this unless you can
see the transhumanist system that is
being built and who’s building it
but if you’re involved with so let’s go
back to the pillars
okay don’t help the military build
operation warp speed okay
don’t help the tech guys figure out how
to inject
nano particles into your body and hook
them up to the cloud
don’t help big pharma you know make
make injections which are poisoning
american children to death
don’t help big ag make grow gmo food
that is poisoning america to death
don’t help the government institute
you know sort of health crisis
regulations that are really disaster
capitalism and making the private equity
guys and the billionaires rich
and on and on and on but if you if you
you know i’ll just be blunt get the
state of our currencies
and read it and you’ll know who’s doing
this i mean it’s pretty obvious who’s
doing this