People who bend the knee
Nov 19, 2020, 8:33 AM
Colleen Yang
On September 6, 2020 I had a dream that I was in a novel, an allegory like Pilgrims Progress . In the novel there was a group of people that were being targeted by these dark bat like creatures that would chase them relentlessly and devour them. The people they chased were “the people who bend the knee “ and “the people of the Book “ . The people of the Book and the people who bend the knee were all chased into a tunnel that led to a brick wall. The people of the Book held up the book over their heads but were devoured . The people who bend the knee dropped to their knees and began to pray and a great light blinded the dark bat things and they could not see them and flew off .
Heard :
“Pay careful attention then to how you walk not as unwise people but as wise making the most of the time because the days are evil . Don’t be foolish but understand what the Lords will is .” Ephesians 6:5,18With every prayer and request pray at all times in the Spirit and stay alert .”
God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble.
The people of the Book represents those who like the Pharisees study but don’t know the Lords voice or His ways . Only those who bend the knee and hear His voice will survive the times .