one minute before midnight
November 30, 2020, 5:56 PM
Rosa Alverio
Word from the Lord November 29, 2020
After prayer and worship, I felt the Holy Spirit tucking my spirit. I asked Lord do you want to say something to me?
I grabbed my notebook and pen.
This is what he said:
Time, time, time is ticking one minute before midnight.
Soon there will not be time to change.
Do not wait till midnight.
Repent now! Repent now!
Things are about to change. It will change like never before. Many will be horrified of the things that are about to happen.
Some of my own, know what is coming and are prepared.
Do not believe the lying prophets that tell you everything will be OK. Many say we can pray away the judgments.
Who are you to say this! I AM God Almighty Creator of heaven and earth and the elements.
Do not believe them! Prepare yourself spiritually, and physically.
I will provide for those who are faithful.
Soon heaven and earth shall be shaken. (Isaiah 24:20)
The earth mourns the sins of man. Nature is dying because of the sins and perversion of the world. (Hosea 4)
I love you, but I must punish sin and iniquity.
My precious children, I love you and I AM here for you. I will never leave you nor forsake you.
I am coming very soon.
Your King and the lover of your soul,
Yeshua Jesus
Rosa Alverio