Warning, Abortion, Destruction, Judgment, Word

Oh California… – The Messenger


Oh California…

April 1, 2022 8:05 PM
The Messenger

Friday, April 1, 2022 8:33 PM

My Scribe write these words down about thee state of California. OH great California oh once proud state of USA oh how you have fallen oh great state of Thee prideful union of satan’s system . You oh murderous state of the youth of the unborn you still have yet to repent of Your evil ways . Oh California I had high hopes for you at one time now those hopes are going dim . Your light has dwindled and My Wrath is kindled again you oh once great state. You a state of evilness you a state full of wickedness never turning away from Your darkness that covers you . Your time now is at hand gird yourself oh wicked of wicked land . Gird yourself oh people of darkness oh gird yourselves oh once proud of all Your evil ways.

Oh My Children you cannot escape what shall befall you My Heart grows weary My Voice goes out to All and do you My very own listen for My Voice Thee Inner Still Voice I as Your Lord Your God say nay for you do not listen for you do not obey Me in any way . Oh My People when will you listen when shall you obey when Your time has passed you by. When Your state falls into thee ocean when oh when will you just kneel before Me Your Lord Your God and repeat back to me what My Holy Mouth tells you what comes forth from My Holy Mind . You Children prepare to get chastened prepare for Your mind Your heart Your body for purification oh prepare like none other. Before long oh once great state your time now is at hand you shall fall silently into the pacific . Oh Children of the light prepare for Your end oh Children of darkness prepare for Your end.
I Your Lord Your God has given you time given you chance after chance to repent and you spit in My Holy face Your time is at hand California prepare oh Children prepare. Get Your Children ready get yourself ready, prepare your state in front of My Holy Throne for that time I have allowed a little space . Space no more My Children space no more end of message

The Messenger



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