JULY 3, 2017
Something is up! The Lord has given me a dream and a word yesterday, July 2 2017. I would like to share with you what I am seeing and hearing from the Lord.
July 2 2017 Dream – Two Bombs
I dreamed myself and several others were in a car driving. In the distance, we could see two large black areas of smoke rising in the sky. The driver asked, “What is that?”
I said, “They look like bombs.”
Then suddenly, bombs were falling from the sky. One landed directly in front of us on the road. I yelled, “Drive faster! Hurry! Hurry!”
We went around the scattered parts of the bomb and drove by them. There was no way our car could have missed the explosion. I looked back to watch the explosion, but it never went off. The bomb did not detonate. I knew the Lord had saved us from the bomb and prevented it from exploding.
I don’t know who was in the car with me. But the driver was a female, and I was in the passenger seat. There were two females in the back seat as well.
Interpretation: What lies ahead; a sudden destructive event with division and death, but the Lord takes care of His own.
July 2 2017 – My Word, A Sign for You
I received this word from the Lord after studying and finalizing my sermon for our Sunday evening service, “The Principle of Readiness.”
“My children, hear My voice today through this chosen vessel. The hour is close and will be. My return is so near, and the signs have been given, and shown unto you and all that would look. Blinded are those that believe these are good times for the world. Nations are at a boiling point, and soon will be ready to boil over unto other nations. Nation after nation will be taken to the frontlines of this battle. I give you this time to prepare. I show My mercy by this.
Understand judgment and justice call out to Me daily, but I hold back the fury of My wrath for your sakes; My follower’s sakes, to be ready.
A nation will fall and another will take it. This will have a domino effect. Nation after nation will be crushed by the crumbling of the economy, and then they are easy to take over. Power looks where it may consume even now. It watches, it waits to move in. Coming as a savior, but truly it will be destruction.
Watch for the signs of My coming. I give you this sign today, watch!”
The principle of readiness is to be ready at all times, and not only watching for the signs, but preparing for the signs, and being a living testimony to those who are watching you, and when disaster strikes many will listen. We must be ready!
May God bless you and keep His hand upon you in these chaotic times.