mystery virus | the Great Rescue
Jan 25, 2020
Elizabeth Marie
In the early morning of 1/11/20, I received several words and a dream vision. What I want to share with you today is the flash dream. What I saw wasan old fashion signpost made of wood. In capital letters, I saw these words on the signpost:
Then about a week ago, I started seeing a few articles popping up here and there about a ‘mystery virus.‘ I had just recently put up 3 dreams having to do with some sort of plague/pestilence, so I knew that the WARNING had already gone out. Here is that video that was uploaded on 1/6/20:
PROPHETIC WARNING: Aliens // Famine // Plague
The ‘mysterious virus’ signpost vision was telling us that this was coming… was a SIGN pointing to the things that are to come……however, we cannot be sure yet if this virus in China is what the LORD was pointing to……..only time will tell!
In seeking the LORD about this, I heard that we are to be very diligent in our walk with HIM right now. We must make a conscious effort to spend more time with OUR LORD in the heavenly place,s and not focus on what is happening here in the earthly realm. Yes, we are to prepare as best as we are able for all possible upcoming disasters, but only after we have given it all to the LORD first.
Make sure to put HIM first and not last in these troubling days. Do not let panic, fear,despair or hopelessness come over us…..this gives the devil a foothold into your life.
” For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Remember the days of Moses, when the LORD protected the people of Israel from all of the plagues. They put the blood of a lamb on their door posts so that the
DESTROYER would pass over them, and not touch their household. In the same way, pray that we too, apply the BLOOD OF THE LAMB, JESUS, on us. and our household for protection.
“Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.”
“For the Lord will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you.” Exodus 12:13;23
On 1/24/20, while praying I saw in the SPIRIT, a raging sea all around, and there were people bobbing in the water drowning. It looked like an old oil painting from one the Great Master artists, with grays, browns and blacks filling the dark stormy looking canvas.
On the left side of the ‘living’ picture, there was a large flat ROCK and on that ROCK was JESUS! I saw HIM bending down from the ROCK, and pulling people up with HIS hands from the splashing waves. One by one HE was rescuing them……PRAISE THE LORD… was a beautiful sight to behold!
THEN I heard this:
“You will find peace amidst the storm! Many in this hour I will pull out of the stormy waters and place them firmly on the ROCK. This is the GREAT RESCUE that is coming! As many are drowning, they will reach out to ME and I will give them MY hand.
The SEA OF HUMANITY……so many souls out there that are crying because they are lost. I hear their cries, as their inner man groans to be near ME, but they hear it not physically. Their spirit, body and soul are disconnected from each other, so they do not even hear the cries of their very soul.”
I then asked the LORD about this virus in China:
“PRAY like never before so this virus will be halted, stopped and permanently thwarted. I have the power over all things, and will hear if MY people pray.
The enemy has great plans to take out as many people as he can. This is his greatest desire. However, only I have the final say of life and death. I am in control, and not satan, and certainly NOT man. I laugh at their feeble attempts when they try to play GOD. I let them go so far, and then I step in.
Do not despair or give up, for I am with you always. I am just one prayer away!
Things are never as they seems. What you see in the physical isn’t always the truth.
What is happening in the physical world is not the reality of MY KINGDOM. So, why do constantly live in the physical and strive? When you are with ME, you will have peace!
Walk in the SPIRIT and not the flesh, during these difficult times. Let me give you the glasses of faith so you can see clearly.
Look to ME and I will help you. I will be your guide and will lead you in that perfect walk with ME. Are you ready?
Stay in MY WORD and keep your EYES FOCUSED on ME. (Hebrews 12: 1-2) Look only ahead (I heard ‘blinders’) and do not be distracted by what is going on in this world.
Look up to me through the heavenly clouds where it is sunny all the time!
You are loved, dear children!
I was then heard:
Please go and read the whole chapter. Here is the one verse from that chapter that I will end with:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6