More Warnings Of The Coming Destructive Earthquake And Tsunami to San Francisco, USA
The Chain Breaking Of Human Slavery
Vision #335
December 20, 2021 12:16 PM
Sharlene Reimer
Dec 15/21 Wed evg
I was praising the Lord Jesus in His Throne Room. I am learning to flag with ribbons and changing the atmosphere. Jesus is always teaching new things as that’s how we grow. Once again I am praising to the Song of Moses by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. The church needs to understand how to fear the Lord; humble themselves before Him, honour, revere and listen to Him and not fear man! God said in Jeremiah 17:5 “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from humans and turn their hearts away from the Lord.” Ps 146:3,5 “Do not put your trust in princes, in humans who cannot save. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God.” In Luke 1:50 which is part of Mary’s song, she prophecies, “Mercy kisses all who fear Him, from one generation to the next.” (TPT) We need to be taught this truth from the pulpits so it will be passed down to the next generation kingdom workers. So as Moses sang in Rev 15:4 “Who will not fear You, Lord, and bring glory to Your name? For You alone are holy.” He’s a jealous God! Wake up church!
I prayed and came to my mountain. I saw the white horses with the other warriors at the base of the mountain. We gathered and climbed up together. And as we climbed, we encouraged and supported one another. I met up with my eagle and off I went proclaiming Psalm 91. I was traveling over water and found myself looking at a bridge that went over a large body of water. I knew I was facing south and had a high-in-the-air perspective. I recognized this bridge as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA as I’ve seen it in a previous vision #144. A huge and powerful wave suddenly came from my right and poured over most of the bridge destroying it. It proceeded towards shore and I saw it crash into the land where many of the buildings had already toppled or partly collapsed. It looked like a war zone. I understood that many people will lose their lives.
I went back to the white bench. I asked Jesus to confirm that the bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge? And Jesus replied, “Yes, daughter.” I asked, are you going to warn the righteous? Jesus replied, “Yes, daughter, I will warn them and they will know when to go. Some have left already but My Spirit will speak to the rest. If they are listening to Me, they will know when it’s time. There will be pre warnings of storms and calamities that will hit the area before the big destructive earthquake that is to come. I always warn and warn the people just like I warned Israel before destruction came upon them and they were brought into captivity. My heart is that the people will listen and repent.” I’ve had previous visions of the coming earthquake and tsunamis along the North American west coast, including the NA Subduction Zone. #25, #34,#72.
Remember, in repentance, God relents. Joel 2:13 “Rend your hearts and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love and He relents in sending calamity.” NIV
I went to see a regular vision. I went down the stairs, greeted my greeter group and we walked over to where the others have already gathered. It opened up to see an old fashioned late 1700’s or 1800’s ship like something you’d see in the old Queen Elizabeth movies of the 1940’s or in Narnia. Then I saw the ship anchored by a shipping marina where there was a plank from the ship to a landing and on the plank walked shackled people from the ship to shore. I understood they were slaves. Then the picture changed and I saw a ship anchored in a harbor and a small old fashioned rowboat with a group of men in it, rowing to shore. Once they landed on the beach, they got out and began searching for something. I didn’t see them find anything. The vision ended there.
This vision has been a struggle for me. My visions are mostly literal so I had to press in to interpret it. I discovered it represents all human slavery/bondage from sex traffic to slave labour around the world. Jesus showed me in a previous vision that the sex trafficking chains will be broken in #254. Jesus gave me Is 2:16-17 “For every trading ship and every stately vessel. The arrogance of man will be brought low and human pride humbled; the Lord alone will be exalted in that day…”
The Lord led me to read the recently published Prophetic Word for 2022 by the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (James W Goll, Bishop Haman, Cindy Jacobs and others). Holy Spirit highlighted “It’s Time for both: Revival and Reformation.” The prophets prophesied that there will be a new generation of revivalists who will evangelize the great end-time harvest of souls. And a new generation of reformers that will and are arising who will reform the people back to the bible and the fear of the Lord will return to the church. And together, “The revivalists and the reformers will form teams together, as mentioned in Is 65:8 “The new wine is found in the cluster.” This cluster anointing will break the chains of HUMAN SLAVERY, abortion, euthanasia, power and other societal ills.” I believe my vision is a confirmation of what is about to be done regarding the human slavery.
Jesus said, “The revivalists and reformers will influence and infiltrate government. Laws will be changed. The sex traffic rings will be exposed and many will be brought to justice.” He continued, “I see their wickedness and those in authority will not go unpunished.” My understanding is that although many will be brought to justice, there will be those in authority who may not be caught. But those that are not caught on earth will not go unpunished! They will have to face the Day of Judgment! Rev 20:11-15 I pray that those caught, will repent of their wickedness.
The second part of my vision where I see the men had rowed to shore and looking for something is interpreted that the wickedness of human slavery will want to continue but with increasing exposure and new laws will make it more difficult.
Jesus did ask me to look into what a revivalist and reformer is. I will for the sake of not making this write up any longer, leave that for you to investigate. But the best read on the subject is by Roberts Liardon: God’s Generals. They are such great books! He’s written about martyrs, revivalists and healing revivalists and more. If your reading list isn’t too long, I’d encourage you to add them. Blessings
This is extra
Jesus did ask me to look into what a revivalist and reformer is.
My understanding of a revivalist is an anointed and equipped servant of God whom God uses to bring about a supernatural move of Him in an area. The Spirit of God is poured out and He is manifested in the miraculous – the signs and wonders of the kingdom are demonstrated with salvation, healings, deliverance, tongues etc. Eyes are opened making them all Believing Believers!
A reformer is an anointed and equipped servant of God whom God uses to turn the hearts of the people back to the Word of God, like a catalyst, and disciples them in the truth. They will teach and bring back the fear of the Lord.
The Lord will mesh them as both are needed in the church. You can’t have just reformers and not the supernatural just as you can’t only have the supernatural without discipleship and solid biblical teaching. Eph 4:11-13
For the sake of not making this write up any longer, I leave that for you to investigate. But the best read on the subject is by Roberts Liardon: God’s Generals. They are such great books! He’s written about the martyrs, revivalists and healing revivalists and more. If your reading list isn’t too long, I’d encourage you to add them. Blessings