July 3, 2021 10:42 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
3rd Word received at 3:50 PM July 3, 2021
I was praying for a prophet, who is under great spiritual attack and asking the Lord the best way to pray, then He spoke to me.
Tell my prayer warriors, they are not prepared to engage in the coming days of attack. So many have grown comfortable with the old ways of doing things and spending an hour or two with their little prayer groups. They have become complacent and many are down right lazy, they look over the prayer requests, many just asking me to grant the person’s desire, not even asking me if it is my will!
When they should be seeking me, asking me about timing, the circumstances, the obstacles, and other very critical data and actually coming before my throne speaking scripture and utterances as the Holy Spirit leads!
Many are in their infancy in true understanding the depths of warfare. Many don’t even put on the armor (Ephesians 6), so that they are ready to experience the demonic onslaught that the enemy will deliver to the truly faithful they will be to weak and faint.
There is a huge difference to making a petition to me and battling principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. Many are not even aware of what that scripture entails. In fact, some are so ignorant that the devil mocks and laughs at their activity because they are so unseeing of the spiritual world all around them.
Tell my people, those who call me their Savior and Lord, YHWH, to learn of my ways! It is almost to late and many will not see victory in the coming days because they don’t know how to war.
I have plans to protect my own but I do require that you learn of my ways. Stop drinking milk and start eating my flesh! You know so little of my word, reading it as if it is a long novel instead of an instruction manual.
Seek me specifically for who needs prayer. I didn’t call you to pray one or two times a week for the needs of the body. You who have been called to pray are on duty at all times. I wake my true warriors in the middle of the night to pray. I call on my people in the midst of the day to stop what they are doing so that they can cry out for another in need. If you are not fulling these activities, if you have not had that happen on a regular basis, if you are not praying for others in the body (not just your church friends, neighbors and family) then you are NOT FULFILLING YOUR CALLING!
I love you for what you do, however, I am disappointed that you do not desire to serve more deeply. It hurts the body when you ignore the needs that exist. There are others, who so desperately need your prayers, that they must struggle way beyond what I desire for them. It troubles me so deeply.
Those who are warriors get attacked greatly for their service and yet, no one upholds them, those fortunate enough to have a few holding them up, often times need much more support than they have.
You who fail to fulfill your call are in a sense keeping deliverance from arriving more quickly at times! Do you know how many of my saints are all alone? They have been ignored because their challenges make others uncomfortable so they dismiss their discomfort expecting me to send someone else to help that soul?
I asked YOU, I did quicken your spirit but you have been disobedient. Do you still fail to understand that I desire you to work in tandem to show my presence to the world? If you hide your light under a bushel, who will see it?
If you only come to me on behalf of others when it is convenient to you, why do you expect me to hasten to listen? I do indeed listen, it is my pleasure to answer prayers, but I do expect you to ask.
When you ignore my Holy Spirit prompts, it hurts me. It makes me want to find someone, who welcomes my company. I want to dwell with those who dwell with me. How isn’t that you can not understand this?
Saints, the day is soon coming that your life will be so incredibly altered, that you must be focused and prayerful for great periods of time. You must understand how I speak to you. You must be able to truly listen to the guidance.
Nothing will be as it appears, if you don’t seek my guidance you may make dreadful decisions. For some those choices will lead to death and destruction. I can’t express enough how much you need to be fasting and praying to a much greater degree than some of you do. Many only do it on the Day of Atonement or a few other times when called to do so.
I say this should be a lifetime discipline. It should be a regular part of your life. How is it you will regularly change a filter on your Heat and Air Conditioning system but you fail to regularly seek me in fasting and prayer?
The days of Wrath are upon you. It will be beyond what you have seen portrayed in movies or read in books. Few can even image its intensity when reading my word. My son gave you plenty of warnings of the dire circumstances as has my prophets. Be ready because most of you are not.
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:18-19, Psalm 37:30
Daniel 9:3
Daniel 10
Mark 9:29
Ephesians 6
Psalm 35:13
1Corinthians 3:2
Hebrews 5:11-13
Matthew 5:14-16
1 Samuel 15:22
Romans 5:19
All of those who call on Yahuah Hamashiach should live a life of disciplined prayer, but many have grown slack. If this offends you, then check your heart before the Lord. It is a call to make necessary change so that you may be ready and be victorious in the coming days of history. It is not to engender anger or strife, this is not befitting those who call themselves followers. Likewise, there are some who know that they are exactly where they need to be, please pray for others to come and assemble in obedience and repent of the failure to stand in their calling.