
Listen Carefully – R

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Listen Carefully

December 14, 2023 3:18 AM

Received in prayer. 12/14/2023 12:44 A.M
Listen carefully,

I have spoken once, I have spoken twice, I have spoken a third time but they have not heeded to my warnings.

The time is coming where it will be too late to go looking for the Word;

He will be gone
Press into me at this time
Before it is too late
For my coming is nigh
Let the heavens declare the glory of God
Behold, I come on the clouds!

Son that is all

Jesus Christ
Holy Spirit

To God be the glory

Stark message, but it is important we heed now and Repent before the door is shut. Let us fill our oil lamps now and press into the Lord. Rest in the Lord and in his peace. Fully armored daily. Repent daily. Obey the Lord.

‭Amos‬ ‭8‬:‭11‬-‭12‬

Matthew 25:1-13

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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