
Life’s Twists and Turns are the Path We Take, To Find Who We Are – LynL

Photos courtesy Pixabay

Life’s Twists and Turns are the Path We Take, To Find Who We Are

June 14, 2024 4:00 PM


Sometimes losses must occur in one’s life. Those who have been extremely close to you, must move on, in their designated time.

Each of my children have a designated expiration time, for they have fulfilled what they were sent to accomplish. Others have not fulfilled what they were sent to do and some, will pay for this, with eternity (those in unrepented sin).

As each of us play our part, we get closer to the end of the play. The play is choreographed by the great I Am. Nothing is out of place; each are ready to say their lines.

Twists and turns happen along the way, that most cannot see. Is there a surprise ending, probably not. It is the route you take to your destination that brings you to your end, whether good or bad.

Focus on doing good instead of having fun. Sift through all activities, before engaging in them. Ask yourself, will you be a better person when engaging in what you are about to do? If not, move on. Life’s twists and turns are the path we take, to find who we are.

Photos courtesy Pixabay


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