
Last Teaching – Lloyd Immanuel Acree

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Last Teaching

9/18/24 10:22 PM
Lloyd Immanuel Acree

As the Lord has told me that my time is short, it seems good to me to share a final will of what the churches should teach.

This pertains to all disputes, and questions, and all schisms; especially those about salvation doctrines and church authorities.

To learn this mystery is to have no more such problems ever again.

It is the cure for everything.

In the old days I thought to solve schisms and doctrinal strife with more Bible verses to state the same doctrines. While this is true, and will suffice for some; it is not the end goal of the Bible, nor is it the point of these doctrines to promote themselves. There always was and there always will be a higher way.

This higher way is described in Hebrews chapter twelve. This chapter is not about salvation doctrines or church schisms. But what it does say is that a Father in heaven disciplines those that he adopted. And so, if disciples of Christ would only pursue the adoption as it is clearly and perfectly described in the Bible, they would find out that: the Holy Spirit will answer their questions outside of (but always agreeing with) the Bible.

In a church that prophesies this way to each other, it is only a matter of time before the entire church becomes prophetic and problems will proportionately disappear at the same time. It may have to start with one. And that one prophet may have to leave. But there is no room for discord when the Holy Spirit is present, so amen.

The church of two opposing doctrines does not ascertain the voice of the Holy Spirit. They think that they know him, but in their arguments they reject this discipline and evidence their immaturity. So the lesson is, that if we learn to never argue, this is a sign of the Holy Spirit. He is described by doctrines for our knowledge but He is not recognized by doctrines alone. In Him there is no variation or shadow of turning. So, that is how it should be with us if we are godly. And the mistake of many churches throughout all of history is that they were in love with their many words.

Those who study the Holy Spirit above all are disciples of Christ indeed. And the Scriptures say that they will know Him personally. They will hear His voice as of their own Shepherd, and they will repeat what He says to the church. That is, they will prophesy.

Do not accept those as priests or pastors who refuse to claim prophecy. They may be using inspired teachings, but they must also claim inspriation themselves as to their utterances (or otherwise, they have only called and promoted themselves of their own authority!). If they use only sermons without prophets, neither can they claim the Holy Spirit.

Anyone who covets this process for verifications will be able to overcome anything, either on earth or in heaven above: they will have no human master to depend on any more. God alone bestows the office of pastor to the ones chosen by Him, and they will teach the sheep to become the same: prophesying shepherds! Why, after all, would a shepherd not want his sheep to hear from the Lord? This would only be to interfere with the adoption:

 “For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.”
Hebrews 12:6-8

All other discipline can be replicated by the outside world. What comes from the Father for His child, however, is something marvelously special and heavenly. It is also deeply personal. Anyone who claims Christ must be judged by this standard as to whether or not they became known by the Lord:

“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” 
Matthew 7:22-23

May you always find your prophetic guidance for every issue of your life: and you will, through true repentance.

I learned to prophesy when others of the church prophesied over me. They have my eternal thanks for passing on this torch.

Lloyd Immanuel Acree

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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