
Its time to SHAKE the world AWAKE – Dylan Rodriguez

Its time to SHAKE the world AWAKE

March 14. 2024 2:42 PM
Dylan Rodriguez

Received 3 14 24

Many promises are about to be filled all at once all at once tell them My people to believe sit on the rock and wait it comes it surely comes Hak 2:3 …Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

Received 3 2 2024

Its time to SHAKE the world AWAKE it is time to move move into a new month a new year spring beholds a new time a new place a new world i will shake up i will make things diff mark it on ur calender when i said 2 events one in october and one now befalls in March i will not tell you what nor when but I AM coming… to do ALL I said I would NOW no time to wait to procrastinate I AM with YOU Behold i do a new thing i send you to TN to see old friends and make new ones (that part is for me 😉 i will make u a new creation in Me I will make you new taste and behold a new thing a new day a new you a new year (sonic the movie God showed me we will have powers) i will make you see the truth that I have loved you and you have obeyed all My words to the best of your ability nothing no one else says matters but what I say I have watched and seen all the stuggles no one else has seen or heard what they have truly done to you My joseph my job my little one like Jesus i have crucified your heart I have stamped you in Me ( like a burnt in mark) i will not forget all the mercy I will show you now all the world will see and behold a new you in Me i will make new I will shine forth in your silver breast plate I will make them all see My righteousness in you in ME I will roar I will suprise and startle i will make them all know who you REALLY are in Me there eyes will open and they will see what they have done to you they have done to Me to My beloved servant it will hurt them bruise their ego to see that change their whole perspective on life but it must be done in Me for their forgiveness among other things I love you so much My child tell Michelle too.. (bryghton) ((only other remnant/ firstfruits im close to/those who make the firstfruits rapture)) i love you My saints I come back for a bride without stain blemish or wrinkle (u three) i love you till the end I AM coming BEHOLD the LION AMEN and AMEN HALELUJAH!

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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