It’s time for you all to shine my light in the darkness
October 6, 2020 3:11 PM
JFKree Freedom
Word received October 6, 2020
Note about this message:
Sometimes the Lord uses a play on words or multiple meanings of one word. If you see a word used twice or more, it is quite possible that the 2nd or 3rd definition of a word is being used, the word has a deeper meaning, is being used figuratively, or perhaps is part of an idiom of some kind. Please remember that the Lord knows how to play with language in poetic ways (and I believe he enjoys it!). Once you have read the message, please take it to the Lord for clarity or confirmation.
I love you all, my dear ones. You are ALL so precious to Me, no matter how your family members treat you like crap sometimes. (Yes, I can say crap. I’ve used stronger words before with Jeremiah.) They don’t understand the power, the light, that lives in you, and they want to shut it down or put it out. Can a light on a hill be hidden at night? So do you shine, brothers and sisters in the Lord. It is far into the night, the sun has set, and my kingdom draws near. It’s time for you all to shine my light in the darkness.
I would that you all get up and get ready for battle, as Dana’s word described. Strengthen those weak knees, get down on them in prayer. (I speak metaphorically about the knees. I know some of you have health problems and cannot pray like that. But you CAN STILL pray never-the-less!) As I say, strengthen those knees. Pray pray pray, and then pray some more. What should I pray for? you ask. Look at Dana’s September prayer list again, my friend, and ask me personally what you ought to pray. You all have personal prayer assignments prepared in advance for you for such a time as this. Oh yes, it’s Christmas time for you, my bride. Get ready for all Hell to break loose, for they are jealous you are about to enter my kingdom since they are not allowed to come back in and never will be for eternity. Satan will be loosed, yes, but only for a short time, and then his reign of terror will be at an end for all time.
(I asked God if he had a word of encouragement to end with.)
Yes, daughter, I have a Word of encouragement. Stay strong, my dear ones. Rely on Me. Place your worries in my basket to carry for you. It won’t be long, my doves. Not too long before I come and get you. Ignore those who say it could be 30 years yet before I arrive. They are wrong. You don’t have time to fool around. Take the meaning as you will. There is a message in that for some of my wayward children. All right, daughter, enough for now.
Bible verses:
Speak, “Thus declares the Lord: ‘The dead bodies of men shall fall like dung upon the open field, like sheaves after the reaper, and none shall gather them.’” –Jeremiah 9:22
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. –1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, 3 and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while. –Revelation 20:2-3
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