“It’s Time”/Declaring over Mozambique, Africa
Vision #249 Oct 7/20 Wed am.
October 7, 2020 2:39 PM
Sharlene Reimer
I was praising and worshiping Jesus in the Throne Room as I always do. Today I sang to a ‘90s Hillsong by Darlene Zschech – Shout to the Lord https://youtu.be/5_aIauL2xKA , Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir – Ps 34 and Kari Jobe latest- Let the Light In. I think my windows were vibrating! Lol! Whooot! I began to pray. When I came to the part of proclaiming Ps 91, I spoke a list of those I wanted protected (including The president of the USA and many ministries and people) and I went and climbed up my mountain, met my bald eagle on the summit and away we went flying over land and ocean while I was proclaiming the psalm. I found myself in an African country. I understood it was Mozambique. Then suddenly a giant serpent went at me from the front but I told it to leave in Jesus name! As it whipped by and over me, I saw its tail. (very serpent like) I knew I was going to be doing work the serpent didn’t like but I left it in the hands of Jesus and the angel armies. I focused on my task at hand. Jesus told me to declare over the land; the seeds that have been planted here will wake up and grow and produce a harvest of Believers! Plant a flag, He said. So I saw myself in my armour of God and put a flag in the ground. It had the face of the Lion- The Lion of Judah. ( I have planted a couple of these flags before in other spirit travels.) I stuck it in the ground and declared the land belongs to Jesus Christ and called forth the Glory of the Lord to shine and wake up the people and bring revival in the name of Jesus! I called the angels to blow their trumpets! Wake up!! I saw one mighty angle blow a trumpet over the land and the hosts of heaven were starting to gather. PTL!!! And Hallelujah! J
Back at the white bench (it’s a place I return after my spirit travel which is somewhere beyond the Throne Room area) I joined Jesus who was waiting for me there. I asked about the people in Mozambique. And He said: “It’s time for them to wake up!” Jesus, there seems to be a global awakening. Many people are seeing visions and hearing from You with the same message: It’s time. “Yes, daughter.” I’m excited to tears! Please let it be very, very soon! Thank you. Jesus just smiled.
I went to see if there was a vision to view. I went down the stairs just beyond the white bench area, greeted my faithful greeter group, walked over to the area where the others have already gathered and looked at the screen. It opened up to see a huge angel on my right standing on a cliff of rock that over looked an ocean. He began blowing a massive trumpet. It was a loud long blast. The trumpet was lengthy and silver. Then I noticed all the heavenly hosts surrounding the angel in a semi circle in the sky, cheering. I understood they were readying for something big that was about to happen. It was so exciting to see. Oh how I wish I could draw or paint! Then I heard a voice loudly declare: “It’s time!” I knew it was Jesus voice. I’m so excited. Let this be very very soon!! Amen!
Oct 7/20 update on Vision #249
I’ve had several emails now regarding the interpretation of the “It’s time” vision. It is my understanding this has to do with the coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit and revival, not the rapture. Many prophetic people are receiving the same message. I believe it’s global in scale but unsure how it will look; as in if it will occur all at the same time or at different times or seasons.
Hope this is helpful.
This is a great time to stand in the gap and be an intercessor! Let’s keep on praying.
For Adonai and His glory!!
Sharlene Reimer
Original article can be found here