Harvest, Word

It Starts Now – Walt


It Starts Now

May 4, 2021 8:42 AM

So here I am again back to release yet more words from The Holy Spirit , as he has reminded me , “ you are my messenger , I appointed you as such you will write down what I tell you and will release what I tell you and when. Do not worry about what man thinks and can do , obey my voice.” So I obey as instructed . This message received on Monday May 3rd 2021 around a little after 3 pm.

My son take these words down, the time is now, the harvest is near, many do not sense it ,many will not partake in it ,only thru my spirit will you be led to individuals, it is for your protection. I have begged, pleaded and warned to learn to discern my voice ,to hear it ,to obey it, but many still do not obey ,why is that? why can not my children follow what I want ? Is it so hard? Why is it a few that try to follow my voice , my sheep know my voice they sense it they know it is me, your only TRUE GOD.

Few are truly ready to meet me, I have pleaded thru my messengers, thru my prophets, thru certain things in your lives to get ready. What does no spot nor blemish truly mean to you? It should be a desire in your heart to please me not to please man. Why do you waste my time if you do not repent, do not forgive or at least show mercy towards others ? Is it so hard to do this? My judgements are here now as my messenger types this, please repent, repent, repent, the hour is late beyond being late. My messengers obey my voice and put up what I tell them to, write down what they have been told, they are being obedient to my will. If you are truly in my will than my voice is clear as a loud ringing bell it is like having a conversation right next to you . Do you ever hear that little voice inside say ,do not eat that do not drink that. You really need to talk to that person to make amends , if you do, than it is me talking to you thru my Holy Spirit . If you would only obey, but you do not. I did not give you the spirit of fear but of power and love a sound mind. Many are fearful, being afraid of man and not your GOD. Many just do not care, saying GOD is all about love and peace we have Jesus blood we are covered. Did not my son say repent or you all shall perish.

There is no going back for the time is now at hand , do you think I want my own children destroyed, for lack of knowledge!!!, you will be oh so shortly . Where in my words has a nation escaped my judgements? The rapture is not meant for you to escape my judgements . The rapture is meant for those who obey my voice my words who show mercy and compassion towards others, who help the needy who do it out of love and belief in me, and of course my only true son Jesus The Christ. Many still do not understand truly about MY Mercy and Grace and many of my children argue over man’s doctrine not even my own doctrine. I despise men who argue over my words it shows pettiness and unbelief in the true meaning of Spirit and Truth.

Many of my words I have sent out and have come back to me and much falls on deaf ears, deaf minds, and deaf hearts , so hard and bitter my own children have become. I tell you now, I am beyond warnings and no more will be giving . Please read Ezekiel chapter 21 Ezra chapter 4 and Jeremiah chapter 13 . Those who have My Spirit will truly understand, those who do not will not. The time for purification for some is over , get ready!!!!, the time for most is at hand . Be on guard and ready for what will come upon you like a thief in the night. Soon MY SON will come and take those found worthy and not tethered to this world to the place prepared for them. Still most will be left behind to go thru Satan’s wrath. I love all my children but they still do not understand nor want to . Time is up tick tock tick tock , I am weary and tired of so called Christian believers ,playtime is over it all starts now. That was end of message. Signed Your Heavenly Father.

Message given to Walt The messenger God has sent.


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