It Came To Pass!
(Dreams and visions Revisited -III)
June 12, 2020
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In the last 18 months, since this prophetic word was given by “The Pastor” from Illinois, many of them have came to pass and many are on their way. No one has to be unwise enough to expect the world to collapse instantly. Everything has it prescribed time. Based on what has came to pass, the emphatic warning is, we have run out of time. See what has came to pass and what is to come:-
- Financial markets will—in the next 18 months-The stock market plunged over $10 trillion
- Violence in the streets of cities across America-The events of last weeks and more to come.
- Ebola and new a disease the world has not seen will shake nations divided by the seas. Fear will cripple travel, flights will be turned around midstream, and people will jump from ships from panic.-Corona, the New a disease the world has not seen has shake Nation-It came to pass.
- the saints of God will perform mighty works through their testimony fresh wave of salvation coming- coming soon
- The United States will not be recognizable in 18 months-This is where we are right now!
We have heard prophetic warning about two pandemics. One was the new corona, the fear and the second one is the same as the first but will kill in less than 24 hours through bleeding of the nose mouth and ears. This time according to this prophesy by “The Pastor” from Illinois, that disease is Ebola. The only disease we know of so far, which kills though bleeding of the Nose, mouth and ears is Ebola. Wait and see but prepare!
The alarm given 18 moths ago, consistent with other prophetic words we have been hearing this long is Confirmations for the believers, evidence for those who want to see and believe and a shock to the mockers and scoffers.
Thank you for the prophetic word posted bellow. Thank you Pastor, Jeff Byerly and Cory.
Note by McKana, June 12, 2020
The United States will not be recognizable in 18 months, pray, fast, prepare your heart. – Cory
January 2, 2019
I am a pastor in Illinois. This is the first time I have ever written a prophetic word, I have delivered them before, but never written one. The Lord gave me this yesterday. Please pray about it and let me know if it agrees with your spirit.
2019 will be a year marked by blood. The Lord says that the term blood has been removed from the vocabulary of the modern Church, and that many are offended at His words. Just as the Lord’s followers abandoned Him at the mention of blood, there will be some who can not accept this Word. The Lord says He has sent warnings in the skies, in the seas, and on land of the coming turmoil, He has warned in every way, yet many deny the day that is upon us, they continue to prophesy prosperity when it is the prosperity that has blinded the eyes of His Church. The world will be shocked at what will in happen in the coming eighteen months.
Blood will pour out of financial markets in the next 18 months. News commentators will even use 1 the term blood letting, bleed, and blood flowing on the street as they watch in amazement at the markets liquidation. The Lord says He is striking down every false idol, the bull on Wall Street will be removed. Just as He crushed Israel’s idols, He will melt America’s.
The streets of cities across America will flow with the blood of it’s citizens. The people are throwing off all restraint, and over the next months those whose hope that is not anchored in Christ will turn to violence. With a sense of desperation people will spill one another’s blood with the goal of creating peace. Police departments will be overwhelmed, and will stand aside. This will be such a divisive time some will liken it to a Civil War. 2
These protests will spread across the world like a virus. Turmoil and desperation will cause some nations to declare military rule. The blood spilling in the streets will be opposed with more blood.
Overwhelming force will be used. Scenes so shocking live broadcasts will be stopped midstream. The political world will witness a massive shaking. Long held secrets will be revealed, both right and left will be exposed. Politicians will be out for blood, not caring what the consequences for the nation are. The Lord says to look to Him, He alone is truth. The true Church will rise up, but those hoping to repair the damage through politicians will be silenced. 3
Diseases of the blood will be in the news. Ebola and new a disease the world has not seen will shake nations divided by the seas. Fear will cripple travel, flights will be turned around midstream, and people will jump from ships from panic. 4
President Trump is in the valley of decision. While the Lord says President Trump has been a friend to the Church, He has not surrendered his whole heart to God. The next months will be a time of decision. The Lord says He is calling the President to place of prayer, a place of surrender. If the President surrenders to God the world will know, it will be undeniable, but they will hate the President more.
The Church, the Lord’s Bride, will have their covering renewed in the Blood of Christ. Like a fresh baptism the saints of God will perform mighty works through their testimony and the Blood of the Lamb. Verified miracles will happen, some will turn to Christ, others will become enraged. The spiritual battle will be in the open, the way to victory is through the Blood of Christ. 5
A new schism is also coming to the Church. While undeniable miracles are occurring, the church will become divided, and a massive schism will have brother against brother. Shocking statements will come from Americas largest religious institutions deepening the divide.
In the middle of turmoil there is a fresh wave of salvation coming, some will have their eyes opened and have their past covered by the Blood of Christ. Preachers will begin preaching repentance, and forgiveness of sin that can only be found in Jesus’s sacrifice. Those who cling to a religious spirit will be offended, some spurred to a deeper relationship with Christ, others will mock. 6
What is sown will be reaped, the blood that the US has sown is coming back. The prayers of the saints, along with all the innocent blood that has been spilled, is going to be harvested at the same time.
The United States will not be recognizable in 18 months, pray, fast, prepare your heart. 7.
Thank you, Cory