Invasion from Chinese, Russian, Guatamalans, Cubans, Mexicans
Dec 13, 2019 11:10 PM
The following is an email forwarded to me from Jeff Byerly
This was sent to me in response to the Dave Hodges video I posted this morning
This is not to instill fear in anyone but so that you will ready yourselves physically and spiritually
Dream #1 last year: I was home here in CO. There was a group of Chinese men on my front porch and sidewalk. They were in different dress though….some nice military uniform, some military uniform that was really ragged and others in tattered regular clothing. I stepped out on the porch questioning and hesitant…. somehow there wasn’t a language barrier… they were humble…at this point I experienced something that’s only happened to me twice in my life yet this was the strongest one…the Lord filled my heart to overflowing with this pure, strong, love for them. It was a supernatural love.