Bride, Prophecy

I will raise My bride at the appointed time – Sara Lynch

I will raise My bride at the appointed time

Sep 1, 2019, 10:00 AM
Sara Lynch

I’ve been led by Holy Spirit to share this word from our Lord.

I received this while in prayer, this morning around 7:30 am.

I come to you, I am Lord and Savior, for My peace is upon you and around you.

Do not fear the unknown for all will be revealed when you can bear it.

Time is short.
Your world comes to the cusp of something never seen or recorded in history.
Do you see?

So many will and do run to and fro, drowning in “knowledge” believing the lies of the enemy as planned.

My creation is broken. Most are lost, deaf, dumb and blind.

Stay close, Child. Teach your children(My children) to be close to Me.
I will descend upon your households and bless your families in ways only the LORD can.
You’ll see for you already believe this to be so.
I will work mightily to reward faith.
The gifts I wish to give My children are bigger than all of earth and any riches & baubles of the enemy.

For a Father does not give his child a stone when he asks for bread. (Luke 11:11)

Those walking in ME need to prepare for anointing and tests of faith.

I AM with you always.

My bride comes forward on My command.

I will raise My bride at the appointed time.

No one truly in ME will be caught off guard.
ALL those in ME will have a warning.

Do not fear, your Father in heaven loves you without measure.”

YAHWEH bless you all.


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