I Peter 4:8-9 Cheerfully share your homes with those in need
June 30, 2020
Mike M
I Peter 4:8-9 NLT 8. ” Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 9. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay”
Reading this above passage in I Peter the other day lead to a dream about living together with others, and then this poem, and also another word to the Church which I will publish shortly on the subject. God moved on me to share this. Well, it’s really a song, but I don’t have a portable keyboard or I would create some simple chords to go along with it. I’m believing God for a keyboard that plays like a piano so I can practice worship leading at this time. I sing so it’s a way I can serve.
Bind us together, Lord, in one place-in one accord.
If any lacks, we all fall short, we all will hurt until we help those less fortunate whose needs are plain and obvious.
Bind us together, Lord, in one place-looking heavenward
How can we say we love the Lord, and pass on by the suffering hearts?
Their muffled cries will be moved to joyful tears, by the God of love who quells their fears through a bended knee of a willing soul who gives so freely as the story goes.
As in the book of Acts if any had need, those with more, simply gave and were pleased, to do the will of the one they together served, who in their unity, rained tongues of fire-holy bliss.
Bind us together, Lord, with chords that cannot be broken, with words so carefully and softly spoken. A word in due season as a healing balm, all is well with our souls, the storm is calmed.
If you want to please the Lord above, remember that family is love. And the Bible is not just a record, you see, but a plan of action to do as they did.
Remember, whatever you do to your brothers you do to me, says the Lord, as a holy offering, is it all you can afford?
To the one who helped us as sinners first and gave, the best that he had, he did not delay.
He chose us to go and do as he did, to one another we see and we give. Just as he shared his inheritance from God, so are we chosen to be fishers of men.
Bind us together, Lord, in one place-in one accord.
Original article can be found here