
I AM will Provide – Handmaid of the Most High

I AM will Provide

May 31, 2019, 2:28 PM
Handmaid of the Most High


I have seen many people express concern because they don’t have resources to prepare for the coming “plagues” that will fall on America, worldwide calamities because of space limitations due to their living conditions or other circumstances. This is for you and for other followers of Christ residing in other nations.

I have had concern myself and for others due to my own situation and the Lord has given me peace.

Here are some of the things the Father, through the Holy Spirit has spoken to my spirit.

Psalms 23 and 91.

We are sheltered under His Mighty wings. Whom He loves (and who Love Him), He protects. He loves His Bride. Psalm 61:4, Psalm 36:7, Psalm 57:1, Psalm 63:7 , Psalm 91:4

Those women that are single, He is Your Husband! Trust Him for all your needs.

He promises that He will never leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5

Since I was a very young, even in diapers, Jesus and I had conversations and I began having visions around age 5. I have always been aware that the Lord would return in my lifetime (I am in my 50’s). As I am single and have been for many years, the Lord has always directed me to trust in him for my needs. Many times I have had no money or when I have had money He has told me to gine it all to a person I would meet (often strangers). This has been my walk, I am not bragging. You see, I have been homeless. Having achieved many things through my will and determination, I was on the fast track then I got sick. I had pushed so hard I lost it all when my employer illegally fired me while in the hospital, so the hospital discharged me! I was homeless and I’ve lived in shelters, I’ve slept in my car and on a stranger’s floor (she had no furniture because she was disabled too and we covered ourselves with newspapers to keep warm and when we slept). God always provided for me and sometimes with my wants as well.

Consider some miracles from these stories from the Bible.

The widow who fed Elijah with the last of her provisions! She had abundance thereafter for being faithful.

Remember He fed the children fleeing Egypt with manna daily. Those who saved it overnight found it rancid (so they had to gather fresh). This means we have to rely on Him and not ourselves.

Jesus was “homeless” during His ministry.

Matthew 8:20 And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.Yet, He and the disciples had all the needed. Even when Peter agreed to pay a tax the money came in a fish’s mouth.

Most people won’t have enough (He has shown me in many visions), so He will provide for them when their stores run out. Pray saints, I believe this will be true for the the Bride, those who have enough oil in their lamps! The Lord is our husband so He watches out for us even when our circumstances are bleak. Trust Him alone. Do as He directs.

I know the Lord will be removing the Bride soon but I am not certain that these will go before we endure more bleak trials in the U.S., why would we be when so many are already are having to face hunger, war, tyranny for being Christians to the point of assault, rape and murder. Father does not love us “more” in the U.S.. Watch and pray, fast and ask for revelation and direction from the Holy Spirit. If He tells you to do something, do it!

I am not saying that some might die due to earthly circumstances (see my vision “The Coming Destruction of America”, “They are coming“, and “Famine, Famine, Famine“). Our country will soon have great challenges! The Lord has a plan for each one of you. When you understand and submit to this, do as led you are by His Spirit. When you have done all, that you are told. Ask for peace and rest in Him.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 KJV

He said He loves you and soon you will feast with Him in paradise!

Handmaid of the Most High


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