Plague, Word, Wrath

I AM STRIKING the land – Barbara Francis

I AM STRIKING the land

March 31, 2020 am 9:06 AM
Barbara Francis

Daughter speak to my children.

My eyes watch over you day and night. I see all things. Nothing is hidden from me. I AM STRIKING the land of the unrepentant. I AM STRIKING the land of the false GOD worshipers and and IDOL worshipers. My prophet Jeremiah WARNED THE PEOPLE, WARNED THE KING. My ways never change. Now I see on this earth even greater abominations then I have seen then. Wickedness and defiance of MY WORDS. More wicked then SODOM and GOMORRAH. More evil thoughts then in the days of NOAH.

I have always spared a REMNANT from the destruction. I WILL DO SO AGAIN. Only a few will be called righteous . I have given my REMNANT instruction to prepare for the days ahead and for the pestilence at hand now. SOON another plague will be upon you.

A message to the mockers and scoffers from I AM. “YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE MY CUP OF WRATH”, you will receive a DOUBLE PORTION for the pain you have caused my CHOSEN. You have discarded my COMMANDMENTS. You have broken the second greatest COMMANDMENT, Love your neighbor as yourself. BEHOLD THE PLAGUES COME.

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