Holy Spirit Teachings 53
From 10/08/23 to 10/20/23
July 15, 2024 1:32 AM
My Children Are Impatient
Even though it seems a century has gone by, it is a drop in the bucket in my time. Each of my children tend to get impatient and weary waiting. Know there is a precise time for everything to occur and events can’t be changed or hurried. Be patient in all you do, while waiting. Spend your time praying and getting to know me better, each and every day.
Good & Faithful Servant
I go thru caverns, alleyways, places upon the Earth, in unlikely areas to find those of you who are mine. You don’t necessarily reside in churches or places of worship. I find some of you in the most unlikely of places (or situations). Some of you are homeless, some are unemployed, and others have conditions with their health which give them much pain. As I scour the Earth, there is a plan that is coming together, a path that can be followed to Heaven. Each of my children need to find this path to their ultimate destination. They need to focus on I Am. Those of my children who have found the path are shunned and mocked by many. They have given their life to me and reside under my wings. These children do not waver or bend with the wind. They are steadfast and willing to do what is necessary for my Kingdom to thrive. They are at the forefront of salvation and will lead the way for many. I applaud them “Good and faithful servant”.
Structure to Life
Each child has a purpose and has a function in this world. Not all my children hit the goals that could have been achieved if they stayed on the narrow road. Many deviate (from intended lives) and change the course of many lives.
No lives are perfect, but when sin gets into the mix it causes many perturbations (changes from the norm) that could have been avoided if my rules had been followed. Sometimes these anomalies go down thru many generations changing the course of many individuals and family members.
There is a structure to life, and when it is not followed many suffer the consequences.
Get back on the right course and follow my rules and commandments before you alter, what can’t be changed.
As We Approach WW3
Your lives will change as we approach WW3. My vessels should prepare themselves for much change. Duties you have done for me, will change, in the twinkling of an eye. Your focus will change from what was to what is. Many will take their positions helping the lost and broken hearted. Their focus will be on the Salvation of those who do not know me or have been backslidden. The Harvest will be great. I Am will lead and guide you to your posts. Many miracles will occur, even greater than when I was on Earth. Prepare for battle (Spiritual Warfare) and healings the likes that have not been seen before.
Too Little, Too Late
Don’t be one of my children who spent your life only taking care of yourself. Do not be one who have ignored my written word. Do not be ignorant of my rules and commandments. Do not be caught in unrepentant sin(s) at the end of your life. It is never too late to change your destiny until you take your last breath. (exception: Taking the mark of the beast Rev 13:16-18 and Rev 14:9-11) It is not too late to become that person, you never were.
I Am a forgiving God that made it possible for your repentance and forgiveness of sins. It is a free gift, one given without cost.
Not every child will take me up on my offer, for their pride and lack of humbleness keeps them from their salvation. They believe, their beliefs are solid and true and lack the motivation to prove themselves wrong.
If this is you, reevaluate how long eternity is. For I do not want any of my children spending eternity without me. This is why I warn you in advance that you are in grave danger.
Revelation 13:16-18 KJV
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 14:9-11 KJV
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
I Am Your Shield and Buckler
Children, your safety is in me. I Am your shield when all is upside down on the Earth. Find a quiet place and speak to me. Let me hear your concerns. Pray for my protection and know I will be with you. All my children need to focus on me at this time. Instead of time worrying, spend that time in prayer. It is much more effective. I Am your shield and buckler.
I Hear All Prayers
As many things change upon this Earth, many of your loved ones will perish from various reasons. Do not lose faith, do not lose hope for your continued prayers make such a difference in all situations. Count on I Am to do the seemingly impossible. Have all faith in your Lord and Savior. I Am there to make the crooked places strait and to do the seemingly impossible. Pray diligently for I hear all prayers.
The Challenge of a Lifetime
Many think they are challenged with work, computer games, crosswords, and life. These are but distractions to keep you from the biggest challenges you have not yet figured out. You may not even know that the challenge of your lifetime is finding the one and true God. You may actually believe, I do not exist, but I can prove you wrong, since I Am knit you in your mothers’ womb. You may believe in concepts of the big bang theory, but it is just a theory that is also wrong. For I created light and darkness, space, matter, and everything you experience, there is nothing that I did not create. Your biggest challenge should be to figure out why you don’t believe I exist. For you exist because of me. For you are not a random creation that evolved over tens of thousands of years. Your purpose on Earth is to become the best version of yourself. To emanate the light that all righteous children have. To be a person who makes a difference in the world you live in. Your challenge is to figure this all out before your life has ended.
Bullet Proof Faith
Faith is the one thing that sets my children apart from those who do not know me. Their bullet proof faith keeps them on the narrow road, the road to salvation.
They could waver in faith during the trying times in their lives, but they stay steadfast and focused on I Am. They are bound to righteousness, truth, and love, and spend their time in prayer, reading and listening to things related to my life. They know me, they know my word which is I Am. They do not fear, for their faith tells them it is not necessary. For their faith keeps them under my feathers (wings).
Faith cannot be seen but is part of each of my children. Whether it is faith that you will accomplish a task or if tomorrow will come, you have the ability to believe. Your faith in me is paramount in the days and months that are rapidly approaching. Get close to me and show faith that will get you thru the trying times all will encounter.
End of Life
All people eventually pass away from various reasons. Whether it be slow, debilitating, painful, incapacitating or an accident, the result is the same.
We were not made to last much past our 80-90’s (currently). This is where the last train stops for most. Each person deals with their problems in their own way. Some graciously and some not so much.
Know that I Am with each of these individual children as they go thru the problems that plague them. It is a means of slowing down the body and mind to bring them to a place of peace and rest. Each of these children, as they get up in years, know that it will not last forever. It gives them options to do things they may have not done in the past.
No matter what anyone’s diagnosis, I Am with them, I love them and want all to join me in my Heavenly Kingdom, when they transition.
Not Much Time is Left
Most do not understand there is not much time left. They go about their day accomplishing all the things that do not matter, on the grand scheme of things. Time is spent on frivolous acts that when your life is looked at, will mean nothing. They hurry and rush to accomplish the meaningless and take pride in their accomplished acts.
Each of us need to look at what we are doing and how we spend the time that is left upon the Earth. When you review your life, will the activities you partake in make a difference to humanity in any way? Will where you put your efforts, mean something to someone, down the road?
We all have choices that are made while living our lives, do you look at the benefit to others when accomplishing your goals and tasks?
There is not much time to make a difference. Think wisely before your next activity you partake in.
Stay Close to Me
My children are special to me. They are all individuals that carry my essence when following my path. I listen to their hearts and see who they have become. Those who get close to me, we become kindred souls. We are forever bound together to do the will of the Father.
No matter where you are and what you are doing, stay close to me, more than ever before. You will need my guidance and direction in the time that is approaching. Stay focused and do not waver, for I will lead and guide you. Fear nothing, for it is not of me. Be ready and prepared.
Get a Hard Copy Bible for Change is Coming
Remember the words you hear today and the ones of the past, that my prophets have put out. There will be a day where you will not have your computers, internet, and televisions. Satellites will be useless; cable will be down, and your telephone will be a box (that does nothing).
The words you have heard will be more important, than you can possibly know. For the messages that my prophets have given, may be the only information you have that is accurate, that you can count on.
Be ready for change, beyond your wildest dreams. Spend all the extra time you will have, getting to know I Am. Make sure you have purchased a hard copy bible, for all internet related bibles will vanish with all the technology you have relied on. I will be with each of you as you get to know me. Spend time in prayer, for I hear your prayers. Get ready for change.
They Are My Army
I watch as the very few take their places, redding (preparing) themselves for what is to come. They have become ready for battle, ready to do what they were born to accomplish. The time they spend with me gives them the faith to continue to bullet proof their armor.
They understand time is limited before they take their places. They are ready for the battles that will be put in front of them. They know that I Am with them and count on the peace of mind they will have while accomplishing much. The battle attire has been prepared with humility, love, righteousness, and truth. They walk with conviction and know the battle that awaits them has already been won. They are my army; they are my chosen.
Take Cover Under My Wings
Battles ensue, bombs are being dropped. My children take cover under my wings before it is too late. Wake-up to the times you are living in. Don’t you see all the hints I Am have given in the sun, moon, and stars? Aren’t you aware of my imminent arrival? What rock have you been sitting under while playing with your electronic babysitter(s)?
I Am can only warn, but who of you are perceiving my warnings? It is the few of my children who want the truth and want to debunk the lies. It is my children who spend time with me, that can see the truth from the lies. It is those who live in righteousness. Wake-up to your new reality. Wake-up to my soon arrival. All will be judged, soon enough. Make sure you are not wanting. Make sure you are ready.
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