
Holy Spirit Teachings 35 From 05/24/23 to 05/28/23 – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Holy Spirit Teachings 35
From 05/24/23 to 05/28/23

March 17, 2024 11:08 AM

Why Can’t You….
Why can’t you forgive others? Much damage has been done to many of my children while growing up. Many have been abused, harassed, been treated unfairly for various reasons. These incidences cause harm to your soul. These incidences cause openings where demonic entities attach themselves to you. They feed off these negative feelings and propel the problem even further. Without intervention, these spirits reside sometimes for a lifetime in individuals (even Christians). Everyone needs to forgive those who have done them wrong. Forgiving others is mandatory for entering my Kingdom.
I will help you to do this. Pray to me that the hurt stops and I heal your heart. Tell me that you wish to fully and completely forgive them, for what has been done. Pray this daily and I will lift the hurt off of you. You will feel a weight has been lifted off as you are healed. Make sure you do not go back to thoughts that will re-introduce hurt feelings and rebuke them in Jesus’ name. Spend time with me each day you will need to for the things that are coming upon this Earth. I will help you navigate through the many problems that will occur.

I Am the time you Spend with Me
Relationships are built on the time and effort one spends with someone. It is built on trust and love and what a person does while in that relationship. You get to know the person with the time you spend with that person. You are a product of your actions, love and caring for the one’s you interact with. Your relationship with I Am is important. I Am the glue that cements your soul. When following me, you get closer to the character I showed while on Earth.
Some believe their walk with me is optional, just as long as they believe and occasionally go to church.
Whether you’re in church or not, is not important, it is who you are each and every day. Your character is molded thru all your actions and how you interact with all you come in contact with. You become a reflection of me as you conform to my rules. My rules are meant to advance your soul and to bring you to Salvation.
Know that the time you spend with me hearing my word, praying, reading the bible, and doing good while on Earth is an important factor in furthering who you are in the spirit realm. It is never too late to change direction. I will be with you, even closer, when you do that. I love you.

My Way Leads to Salvation
Some of my children refuse to listen to what is expected of them if they are going to get into Heaven.
My Bible clearly lays out all rules and commandments to make it into Heaven. This is not an optional, pick and choose list, that can be ignored. Many will adhere to most of my rules but will have one or two that continue to persist. They figure that they are “Good enough” to make it into my Kingdom. “Good enough” does not make it into my Kingdom.
Doesn’t my word say that fornicators, liars, murderers, sexual perversion as well as many other traits (sins) will not enter into Heaven.
This book, which is loosely adhered to, is the rule book that is used to tell my children what I expect. Partial compliance is not “Good enough”. If you are awake and know the time we are currently in, what is holding you back from compliance? Do you really want to endure the Tribulation?
For those of my children that do not know the time we are in, you will wake-up soon. Much will be expected of you, in a very short time.
Again, read my words and follow my rules and make it into the Kingdom of God. Wake-up, wake-up, wake-up.

Reign of Terror
The Earth is coming to many changes in a short period of time. Terror, unbelief, sadness will be foremost on the minds of many. Their daily lives will be disrupted by many terrors they have never encountered. Economic collapse, food shortages, persecution, meteorites, pestilences, fires, volcanoes, earthquakes, and war will be the new norm.
Many will not want to leave their homes but will be displaced, none the less. Many will try to gravitate outside the cities, but this will be difficult as well.
It is very important to get close to I Am, for I can help you find peace of mind in these troubled times.
All sins should be left behind you and then become the individual; you were always meant to be. Stop all sins, repent of them, and do not go back to them. Only clean souls will make it into my Kingdom.

Tomorrow is Not Like Today
As things start to change around the world, many will see that life is not what they expected. Life can change on a dime. Each person is responsible, going forward. Show your love for others. Make sure you are available to those who need your help. People will start to rely upon one another, if they are going to make it through what will be occurring in the Earth.
Most do not understand how each system interconnects with each other. The economy, food, politics, monetary system, earth changes as well as the public are all connected. As one system topples you will see chain events taking place, like dominoes. There will be no stopping the progressive movement of one catastrophe upon another.
Many of these changes that are coming, are to help wake up my sleeping children. Sometimes, things need to hit rock bottom, before attention is paid to the destruction, that is set before them.
I will be there to catch those who want to be caught and help them with the Salvation that has eluded them in the past. Many of my children, will wake up to find themselves on the correct path for the first time in their lives. Others will just need some fine tuning to get them on the straight and narrow path. I will be there to help all along the way.

My Kingdom is For Anyone- Forgiveness
My Kingdom has always been available to all my children. My children give me mixed signals, as to if they want to join me. My Kingdom is for the pure of heart, those who love others, those who care for their fellow man. Yet I see forgiveness issues among a great deal of my children.
Forgiveness shows your love for others, in spite of what transpired. That person (the one you can’t forgive) needs to work out their salvation with me, not you. I Am the judge and work to help with salvation in many that have done unspeakable acts. Your job is to forgive, like I have forgiven you.
Each occurrence that happens in a person’s life, happens for a reason. Not everyone understands the purpose, at the time, that bad things happen. Each life is filled with scenarios that help to wake a person up, some good and some bad.
This forms the person who you are. Some immediately conquer the problems which are given, while others it is much harder and takes years. Forgiveness is an act of love which gives your soul a sense of peace of mind, that it doesn’t have when in a state of unforgiveness. This is why it is so important to forgive. Without forgiveness, your soul stays damaged.
It is time to step out and forgive what you haven’t in the past. Your soul needs to be repaired before moving forward. Ask me to help with the hurt and help with your forgiving. I can do that. It is time to leave it in the past, no matter what they did or how it affected you.

The Race Will Now Commence
All of us have been in a race since our birth. When we finish the race, is when we can move on. Some of my children will finish the race with many awards and I will say, “Well done”. There are others that will need some help along the way. These children do not even know that they are in a race. They haven’t prepared with the correct shoes, outfit, or exercise to keep their stamina up. These children need to spend more time in my presence. They need to follow my word and they need to read my word which is I Am. Like any race, preparation is key.
All will soon find out they are in a race. Much will change on that day. Each person’s soul is precious to me. It’s important that all figure out the rules of the race and what it takes to complete the course. Without repentance they will be shoeless. Without a relationship with me they will be minus their outfit. And without my word to protect them, they will fall behind the others.
Don’t wait to get the gear, you need, until the race is already started. Stop now and prepare before getting on the final lap. I know you will do well if you apply yourself. I love you and wish you to be totally outfitted with everything you need to succeed.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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