
Holy Spirit Teachings 24 From 03/29/23 to 04/01/23 – LynL 

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Holy Spirit Teachings 24
From 03/29/23 to 04/01/23

December 31, 2023 9:34 PM

Danger Approaches
We are at the crossroads of present and future merging. No matter what was in the past, it will not be any longer. Most have spent a great deal of time on fruitless endeavors but yet still think they are doing what they were always meant to do. The coming months will change the outlook of many. They will no longer be focused on the things they thought were important. Their baseline will change, as new occurrences, change their outlook on life. What was important in the past, will disappear while taking on new paths and focus areas.
Life will morph as weather, destruction, wars, pestilence and many other plagues hit the Earth. Those who refuse to recalibrate will fall short and may perish if they are unable to wake-up.
This Earth is slated for mass destruction which is meant to wake my children up. What has been done in the past, has not been effective and now drastic measures will jar them awake. My chosen will make it through these times and will help other find their way to me. I Am a loving God and wish none to perish. Wake-up now for your time is short. I Am here with you as you change direction.

The Route Less Used
The route less used is the narrow road that leads to one’s salvation. Most people avoid this road. They tend to migrate to the wide, well used road, that everyone else takes. Sin tends to line this road because it is easy to navigate and takes very little effort to stay on its path. This path makes one feel good and sometimes justified while using it. This path must be avoided if you wish to make it to Heaven, all sin that lines this road will not enter into my pearly gates. It is important to move to the narrow road which most do not use. This road will get you into Heaven. Yes, this road is much harder to navigate, because it requires your focus to be a person who follows my rules. Many believe there are no rules or consequences to sin. This is erroneous! All sin is not welcome into Heaven. If I allowed a little of each sin into Heaven, we would have what is currently available on planet Earth. This will NOT and cannot happen. Be careful on your decisions on how to navigate. The road of life you travel on, I Am watching which path you take.

Time of the End
We are starting the time of the end. It is littered with destruction, turmoil, death, pain and sadness. None are ready for what is about to permeate the Earth. Earth has had a long run of many generations that have populated her. With each generation things changed. Some for the better, but most for the worse.
Sin is a common everyday occurrence that most do not look at twice, as something that needs to be corrected. It is part of one’s character and who they have become.
As sin progresses in one’s life, they take on the characteristics that comprise that sin. They are no longer fully themselves. They are bound to that sin, with all the negative characteristics that are inherent to that sin. Most think they can stop at any time, but this is not true. The enemy talks to your subconscious making these sins as the right course of action you should pursue. Nothing is simple, when sin is introduced into the fleshly desires. Modifications of behavior can be made if it is in your will. One must choose to leave all that is not of me (God) behind. I Am righteous and you too must become like me to enter Heaven. I gave all, free will, to make these decisions. Even though the flesh likes to gravitate to sin, it is up to you to change direction, to change your mind and become one with your creator.

I Am Always There for you Night and Day
I Am always there for you night and day, rain or shine, in good times and bad times. My creation is important to me. I created you to explore, seek out life and experience your life with many variations. Some of my children are born curious and are always exploring. Then there are the ones who would rather stay put. They do not enjoy change.
What is due to hit Earth is beyond your ordinary change. It is cataclysmic. Nothing can be done to fully prepare for what will be experienced by all.
I have spent a great deal of time trying to wake up the masses, but they continue to sleep. Sometimes drastic measures are needed to change the outcome of one’s thinking. With the things you will start to experience, you will find that the only preparation that would have made a difference is your belief in me. I Am the way where your new home can be found. I Am the way, the truth and the life. You can find eternal salvation through me. Wake up before it is too late.

Hungry and Forlorn
The future is almost upon you, my children. Some have known for quite a time that end time events are about to start. Others do not have a clue about anything. My awake children have prepared themselves mentally, psychologically and spiritually. They have an immense advantage over my children who still asleep. As the awakening of my other children starts to happen, you will see the awake helping many. Their wisdom will pour out on the others and help them thru what they would have never expected to happen in their lifetimes. The chosen children have put many hours of work on their relationships with me. Time spent praying, reading my word and speaking with me. They have earned a place of honor for their hearts are always thinking of others. Their concerns are not for themselves as much as what they can do to help a situation that needs fixing. They are not driven by their needs, but by other people’s needs. Their caring nature is who they are, and it shows in who they interact with. They will be the forces that make a difference as things get sever upon the Earth. They will guide others who are still in shell shock to the “New World” they have woken up to. This will be extremely confusing to most,
There is a plan and a purpose to how all events will play out. I Am in control and know the beginning from the end.


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