Marty Breeden
On Friday April 12, 2019…At 7:49pm
I very clearly heard the Lord say:
Personally, this is EXACTLY what I’ve been waiting to hear!!!!
MANY like myself that have been awaiting “Marching Orders” are about to receive the EXACT orders and directions and leading that our heart has longed for!
God is going to use your past, your failures, your VICTORIES, and your defeats to IMPACT the generation that HE has called you to and raised you up to minister to!!!
God is about to call the backslider home, and He will use them!
God is about to take those who have failed the MOST….and bring them BACK to a place of brokenness and repentance and they WILL do EXPLOITS in His Name!!
Because , Just as Jesus said in Luke 7 :47:
“So I’m telling you that her sins, as many as they are, have been forgiven, and that’s why she has shown such great love!
But the one to whom little is forgiven loves little.”
In these last hours, it will NOT BE the “Big Names” that touches their generation…
BUT….It WILL BE those who the “church” would view as the “least among us” that God will use the MOST POWERFULLY!!!
This precious move of God is at the door and MANY…..MANY will humbly bow their knee!
We ARE at the threshold of this MIGHTY MOVE!!!!