Fulfillment of Several visions of Trudeau Exiting
1/9/25 6:09 PM
Sharlene Reimer
Jan 6/25 Mon
The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced his resignation today, Jan 6/25 as PM and leader of the Liberal Party. But unfortunately will remain in those positions until a new party leader is elected. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/justin-trudeau-s-set-to-go-after-the-liberals-pick-his-replacement-what-now-1.7166919
I’ve had several visions of PM Justin Trudeau regarding his removal and the coming change of government. #339, #340, #342, #361, #364. I will highlight 3 of them as they are the most specific regarding prophecy fulfillment of Trudeau’s fall.
Vision #340 Jan 24/22 mon evg The Canadian Truck convoy/Trudeau’s “Mountain” will crumble
“I saw Trudeau’s face fill the screen. Then I saw him pacing in a room with his head down and appearing upset or worried. The picture changed and I saw a rocky mountain with a close up of Trudeau standing on top of it. He was alone. Then the mountain began to shake violently and it began to crumble. I was wondering how Trudeau would survive the collapse of the mountain. The picture changed and I saw Trudeau at the base of a huge hill of rocks. He was on his knees leaning over a small boulder with his face down in disbelief.”
Jesus had said that the truck convoy was the national catalyst, “This is the start that will bring the government down.” And He continued, “I will bless those who support them.”
I was given the verse from Zech 4:6-7 “Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty. What are you, mighty mountain? Before Zerubabbel, you will become level ground. Then He will bring out the capstone to shouts of God bless it, God bless it!” Also, “He will have dominion from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.” Ps 72:8
Vision #343 Feb 16/22 Wed am Trudeau will be voted out…
“I heard the Lord say, Look at your Prime Minister.” And I looked up and saw PM Trudeau once again sitting in a chair with his head in his hands staring in disbelief. Then the picture changed and I saw the federal parliament in session in Ottawa and it had erupted in noise. There was stomping and loud voices. I heard the Lord say, “They will vote him out. “Jesus said, “Things are unraveling, daughter. There will be a vote and he will be removed.” The PM will be removed, I asked? “Yes, daughter. But it is more than that. The corruption will be exposed. As time goes- the lies will be revealed. The agenda will be revealed. Your country is revolting. I Am using it as a catalyst. The church will wake up. The walls of corruption and religion will come down.”
Vision #364 Sept 6/22 Tues evg …Trudeau Rushing to Exit the Parliament Bldg/Trudeau’s Forked Tongue
“It opened up to see PM Trudeau walking quickly down a corridor with a small group of people following closely behind him. They were dressed well, like a member of parliament. I didn’t see their specific faces. The room had high ceilings and the floor was marble. It reminded me of a government building. Trudeau walked to a single door and noticed a red EXIT sign above it. He opened the door and proceeded to go down the stairs, alone, as the others did not follow him through it. He went down some steps and then stopped and sat down. He put his head into his hands.
“I do know that God will be removing more people in prominent positions as He said in a previous vision but again, I don’t know when that will occur. I just will trust Him in His perfect timing and continue to watch and pray.”
“This morning, Sept 8/22, during my God time, I had a quick vision of Trudeau’s face which turned partly into a snake and his tongue became forked as it darted in and out of his mouth.”
It’s clear the Lord revealed Trudeau is speaking from demonic influence and is lying. A serpent’s tongue releases deceptive speech and flattery with dark purposes. It can’t be trusted.
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