Free Bibles
October 6, 2020 7:14 AM
to God be the glory
Hey Jonathan,
My name is Nathan and I’ve been looking at your site for awhile now. I’ve seen multiple people talking about power being out in various places after everything really kicks off. I just recently felt led by the Lord to purchase 400 NKJV bibles. As I was praying on how I could distribute them, your site popped in my mind. Since a lot of people have their bible on their phone now a days, I think a lot of people could use a hard copy in case we do lose phones and power. This email that I made for this purpose.
Once someone emails me then I can get their address and send them one.
Thank you,
November 2, 2020 3:54 PM
I hope you are doing well. I’m not sure if you are aware of it, but gofundme shut down my bible fund page as soon as I was going to be able to send 400 bibles to Kenya. It seems that the enemy is trying to stop the spread of Gods word. Fortunately I am able to open a PayPal account for the ministry, so Satan failed in his attempts to stop Gods word. I already have some of the people who were donating tell me they would fund a PayPal account for the Bible’s. I am attaching a link to the PayPal profile if you would be willing to share. The ministry is increasing quickly, as we are just now able to order another 400 bibles and we also have people donating a lot of bibles. I am working on a way to update the PayPal with updates of the ministry as it increases. All glory to God for allowing this ministry to prosper in sending out His word.
May God bless you all.
PayPal link: