
First Steps to Spiritual Awareness – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

First Steps to Spiritual Awareness

December 8, 2023 4:31 PM

As things start to change. I Am will see major shifts in the directions my children choose to take. More thought, than ever, will be spent on refiguring out the nature of existence, who is in charge, who created everything. These questions will be foremost on the minds of my children, causing them to pause before just blindly going one way, or the other. Too much will be occurring to be just coincidental. There will be a pause to reevaluate priorities, what is important and what should be eliminated totally.
I Am will be there to pick up the pieces, but it is up to each of my children to leave all sin thru repentance. Each of my children’s souls must be clean before moving forward.
As my children wake up, many will make it to Salvation and eventually to my Heavenly Kingdom.

As each occurrence moves us closer to the ending of my book (Word in Bible), I Am asks all to get close daily in prayer. Pray for the safety of the military, those without homes, those without food, and all who need to know me more intimately. I Am there to guide you in these troubled times. We are now at a threshold of many concurrent catastrophes ready to take place. Many will not have time to take a deep breath between occurrences. Know that the more time spent with me, will ease many of the burdens that will be present. I Am the way in these troubled times.

Many of my children refuse to take responsibility for the sins in their life. They claim it did not hurt anyone, it was not their fault, someone else is responsible, instead of confessing their sins. Many feel by confessing, they are (become) responsible. When anyone has done anything that falls into sin, they ARE responsible whether they admit it or not.
I will forgive you of your sins, but this is done thru repentance and taking responsibility for you sin (s). Ignoring what you have done wrong in your life is not a solution, it is just a masking and coving up of truth. Repent before it becomes too late.

I Am in all the good that you see. I radiate love, understanding and compassion. I Am what is needed in the world. Many do not see me, for they are blinded to their purpose, they were put on this Earth for. They have gone down the wrong paths, the wrong directions in life due to spiritual blindness and being wrapped up in sin. They cannot extricate themselves without repentance. For repentance is the first step to freedom and spiritual awareness. Without that first step it is very difficult to move forward, for we must admit to who we have become, before change is possible.
I Am there to help facilitate change, when a child takes their first step toward Salvation. As a child takes his first step walking, take your first toward I Am.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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