Yesterday, June 17th 2019, I spoke out loud in the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), revealed by the Lord Israels one word “Famine”. No further interpretation, it is an announcement.
Another strong reminder that the Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob repeatedly brought forth (end May, beginning June 2019 as birthing) is towards men.
Men; some of you need to retreat in prayer and even fasting, you are vulnerable to seduction. Be aware of the nowadays Delilah as she seduced (subtle temptation) Samson. Was it just his hair that he lost his strength? No, it was about ‘cover’ but in its context as physical sign. He lost the cover of the Almighty One. As the serpent started in the beginning with the woman, he will have his time these last days to use women against men. Men; you must have your place secure under the blood of Yahusha (Christ) the Messiah and deal with all areas in your life, time is now. For the subtle seduction as test is upon you! Some of you even need to cancel things and literally remove yourself from certain ways, places. When the Lord calls the action is our responsibility. Every warning that goes out is your rapport to it. All is recorded in the heavens.
A Word of warning; be alert for sexual preditors are on the rise. A snare to commit adultery goes with it. Women be vigilant, be not an open door to it dragging souls of men with you. Men have sat long enough behind the screen to be full of sexual immoral actions that their bodies chase quickly after perversion cause of what their eyes have aloud to enter in to their bodies. Wicked, repent! When you will stand before the Throne on judgment day, how many women will you be confronted with whom you committed adultery with in your thoughts?
Wormwood is the adultery test! Numbers 5 and Revelation 8. As I’m typing this the Lord is asking some of you; “What may it cost you to receive Me”?
Be careful to profess before the Living Yahuah (God) that His ancient paths found in His Laws are done away with. Repent from that ridicule. Instead, have yourself embraced in the depths of His law to see what He wants you to see in understanding. When the woman here in Numbers 5 admitted committed adultery she drank living water with dust, dust taken by the priest from the floor of the Tabernacle, as the spoken words as curse were scraped from the scroll went with it into to the water, and she had to drink it. Her belly will swell and her thigh shall rot, as written. Thigh was known in ancient days as the place of authority having transferred, by placing the hand under the right thigh making a vow (as written, like Eliezer did) Folks ; this is how serious we take the word and be careful before you judge the Judge, He has definitely a free Will and He does not want you to drink bitter (bitterness = sin) waters as He warns in His zeal. When the serpent finds its way through the flesh by such immorality, it is the portal to be thrown in absolute weakness, returning to dust, that eartly. As the face of serpent in the dust, Genesis. There is a high consequence when an “Authority transfer” takes place under evil agreements through which you have removed yourself from underneath the cover righteous Authority. Cover represents ‘Authority’. Make sure that you do not find yourself under evil authority.
This is an announcement, Sodom and Gomorrah are mingling again. Deal with your flesh, time is now, cause you are facing a time frame in which it will be very hard to return.
Consider this parable prophetically; dust can be like ashes of an entire city. Like Ziklag in days of David was put into ashes, women and children were taken. When David and his men returned and saw and noticed, they wept until there was no strength left in them.
Another question after this; How serious are we actually in our weeping before the Lord, The Holy One?
Psalm 101: 3
I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Zachariah 1: 14,15
So the angel that communed with me said unto me, Cry thou, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy.
And I am very sore displeased with the heathen nations that are at ease: for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction.
Genesis 49: 10
The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be.
Remember; hebrew numerical value of Shiloh and Messiah are 358.
Note; gathering and obedience are same in hebrew root word. Do we want to stand on solid ground? Would it be better to go back to the roots of our faith, being out of the waters of Rome (Babylonian laws) , Greece, and out of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Blessed is my first Love, Yahusha.