Dream, Word

Extinction Level Event Is Coming – Michelle Katherine Orts

Extinction Level Event Is Coming

October 12, 2021 7:33 AM
Michelle Katherine Orts

Prophetic Dream, Fasting Friday May 28th,2021 8:46PM CDT received from KingJesus

Upon waking I heard the Lord Jesus saying this to me, “An extinction level event is coming.” I was given a “knowing” that It will affect the entire earth and that some of God’s Children would be taken home and some, The Remnant, would remain.

Those “left behind” in The Remnant weren’t being punished, they were being entrusted to continue to carry forth The Word of The Lord to a confused and battered world so that as many souls as can be saved would be saved.” When Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” He meant what He said. God’s Presence, His Holy Spirit will never leave a true Child of God.

In this hour of Trouble which is coming to test all inhabitants of earth, God’s Servants will be either hidden by God’s Holy Angels or by God Himself being supernaturally provided for and protected, just as Noah and his family of eight were sheltered and cared for within the confines and parameters of a Ark that Noah built but was designed by God, or, God’s Servants,

The Bible speaks clearly. Many of Jesus’ Endtime Remnant Church Saints, will be martyred, beheaded, for refusing to take the mark of the beast and for refusing to deny Jesus Christ as Lord God in the flesh and for refusing to worship the Anti-Christ and The Beast System.

The Saints will be clothed in White, dipped in the Blood of Jesus in Heaven, these are they awaiting the fullness of their brothers and sisters before Jesus returns to earth on a white horse with Holy Righteous Anger and Holy Vengeance in Judgement for Satan, the Fallen Ones and for all who conspired and inflicted violence against His Church Bride in Rebellion with The Anti-Christ, including every human soul who rejected and denied His Name, The Name above all names, Jesus The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

I also dreamed in this same dream that I was caring for an infant, for a baby boy. In my dream I had been working in a family owned Italian restaurant and there was a sudden world war. Safe shelter and sleep were hard to come by but somehow me and my family were provided and were providing for many others a safe, clean place to live.

I was checking in on everyone with my baby boy, whom I think was not my own, but whom was entrusted to me, given to me by his birth father because his mother, the baby’s birth mother was gone. I don’t know what happened to the baby boy’s birth mother, but she wasn’t physically present with us.

Our place of safety was hidden from The Anti-Christ. It had many rooms and it was well provisioned. We even had clean sheets and clothing, clean running water, both cold and hot. There was electricity because I saw well lit rooms. We were joyful and knew we were in the care of The Lord and by His Holy Angels on earth in this Final Hour before The Last Trumpet and The Voice of The Archangel announced the entrance, The Return, of Our Warrior King of all Kings, Jesus, Yeshua The Lion of Judah and The Great I AM.

Hallelujah! We give You Praise dear King Jesus for You are Worthy to be Praised. May we, Your Remnant Church, remain Faithful and Standing until we see You returning in the clouds. Strengthen us dear God, embolden us and empower us Precious Savior in Your Perfect, Powerful and beautiful Name above every name. Refresh us, fill us, anoint us and appoint us by and with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Love, Your Daughter and Your Friend, Michelle Katherine Orts

Finished writing this Prophetic Dream and Prayer, Fasting Friday May 28th, 2021 10:28PM CDT received from King Jesus to His Daughter, Michelle Katherine Orts aka TurtleDove and wife to husband Reverend David Orts



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