
Expect Change Now At A Faster Rate – Brian

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Expect Change Now At A Faster Rate

December 30, 2023 9:46 AM

I’ve been receiving messages from God and yahushua. This is the message

Dec 30 23
Isaiah‬ ‭63:19‬ ‭KJVAAE‬‬

[19] We are thine: thou never barest rule over them; they were not called by thy name.
Write my Dove, my loves I have not forgotten thy name your names are written in heaven in The Book of Life have I written. It will get dark now beloved, expect change now, at a faster rate, border control, new retrieval, enforce of security, road blockages, get changed now, put on your wedding garments, for I will remove the filth of you saith The One Who Heals. Let go of pride acknowledge you need my help, I will guide you the whole step of the way saith  your God The Almighty One  Forever in the midst of his people. A crown is ready for those willing to receive one. My child I love you, the day will arise when you will see my face I promise. I’m a promise keeper I can’t break a promise I keep my word if I said it I will do it it may not happen on man’s time, you don’t think like I do, I’m God on perfect timing I move, I’m there, there is nothing that I can do all is possible through me yahushua of Nazareth mother Mary knew the power I carried when I turned water to wine, I carried the backs of those who that did me most dirty, did that stop me, no, so don’t you limit me, o narrow-minded men foolish of you to think  I cant provide, Israelites, if I did it for them I will do it for you, believe me, hold me at my word and I will show you.
Psalm‬ ‭119:11‬ ‭KJVAAE‬‬
[11] Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Yahushua of Nazareth
Your Beloved One Forever Amen
Holy Spirit Amen ❤️
Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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